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Rarely known, these are 3 benefits of milk for plants

Benefits of Milk for Plants. Photo: Shutter Stock
Ladies, do you know that milk have benefits to plant? Most people know that milk is only beneficial for the health of the human body. But in fact, milk also provides other benefits that are very useful for plants.

Judging from the many ingredients that milk has, it is not surprising that milk can also provide many benefits to plants. Quoted from Hunker, indeed the protein and fat content contained in milk can make it difficult for plants to absorb water. However, the enzymes present in milk are also able to restrain the growth of fungi.

Milk illustration. Photo: Doc. Pixabay

Not only that, milk also contains calcium which helps plant cell walls get nutrients and also controls the soil pH level. But it should also be noted that the use of milk for plants must be mixed with plain water, this is to prevent the plant from wilting and eventually dying.

So, what benefits can milk provide for plants? Quoted from The Spruce, see the explanation below.

Plant illustration. Photo: Shutterstock

Who would have thought that milk could be used as fertilizer to make plants more fertile. The content of milk which consists of B vitamins and calcium provides many benefits for plants. Calcium is useful for preventing flower tip rot that often occurs in tomato or peppers.

However, care is needed so that there is no mistake in using milk, for example, the dose is too much. Because this will cause the plant to become damaged due to the bacteria found in milk inhibiting plant growth until it eventually withers. The fat in milk can also cause plants to smell bad.

Gardening illustration. Photo: Shutterstock

Pesticides are useful for killing pests that are on plants. In addition to fertilizing plants, milk can also be a pesticide and has the same function, namely to kill pests. Milk can get rid of lice and reduce viruses in plants.

3. Reducing the appearance of mold

Illustration of unhealthy plants. Photo: philippk

Milk can work well if it is used as a preventative for fungus Be diligent in spraying milk on the leaves of the plant when the weather is warm and humid. If the fungus has already appeared, continue to spray it with milk. Slowly the fungus will disappear. This is one effective way to make the plant anti-fungal.