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Sawo Butter Is Rich In Carbohydrates To Vitamin C

Koropak.co.id – Maybe some people today rarely know the name Dutch Sawo. It is known, Dutch Sawo is a type of fruit similar to sapodilla. This one fruit actually comes from Central America and Mexico. Even so, this fruit is often cultivated and can be found in Indonesia.

In several regions in Indonesia, Dutch Sawo has different names. Starting from called Sawo Mentega, Alkesa, or Kanistel. In fact, the fruit of the Latin name Pouteria Campechiana is known in West Java as Campoleh. In addition, this fruit that produces latex or milk sap has many benefits.

The fruit can also be eaten as fresh fruit when ripe. The Alkesa fruit itself is oval in shape and has a characteristic yellow flesh. In addition, the meat is moist but somewhat dry and smells faintly sweet. It is not surprising that Sawo is also called Sawo Ubi.

This fruit is also similar to a yellow sweet potato with a tasty and sweet essence like butter. But different from ordinary sapodilla, this Sapodilla Butter or Alkesa Fruit has large seeds. Apparently, there are many good ingredients that are beneficial to health. In fact, this fruit is believed to be able to ward off the spread of Covid-19. Because Sawo Butter contains carotene, thiamine, niacin, carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin A, phosphorus, calcium and others. So what are the benefits of this Dutch Sawo?

1. Maintain stamina
It is known, the nutritional content of this Dutch Sawo can actually maintain stamina. This is because this fruit is perfect for daily consumption. Because, in it there is also a carbohydrate content and is rich in vitamin C.

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2. Maintain bone health
Another benefit of this Dutch Sawo is to maintain bone health, because the calcium content in this fruit is quite abundant. Calcium itself is useful for bone formation and health. Apart from calcium, this fruit also contains other minerals that help in bone growth and prevent osteoporosis.

3. Maintain eye health
The content of vitamin A in Sawo Butter is actually beneficial for eye health. In addition, vitamin A itself can prevent the stimulation of diseases related to eye health problems.

4. Helps increase body weight
Sapodilla Butter also helps in increasing the weight of the bedan. This is because this fruit contains abundant calories. So it is very useful to increase appetite. So, it is not surprising that this fruit is suitable for consumption by children who have difficulty eating.

5. Smooth digestion
Because it has a high enough fiber content, it is pointed out that this fruit can also improve digestion. In addition, if you experience constipation, then this fruit can help you overcome this problem.

6. Prevent colon cancer
Apart from improving digestion, it turns out that this fruit is also useful in preventing colon cancer. In addition, various compounds and nutrients in it are also able to neutralize toxins, bacteria and viruses.

7. Overcoming inflammation of the mouth
The unique benefits of this fruit can also overcome mouth inflammation. Even though it is difficult to eat because of the sticky meat, it actually helps in cleaning the mouth. So that the vitamin and mineral content in it can be used to treat inflammation that occurs in the mouth.

8. Prevent premature aging
Finally, the benefits of this Sawo Butter and is also most sought after by women are preventing premature aging. The fruit, which is rich in antioxidants, has a good impact on beauty. This is because the antioxidant content in this fruit can inhibit the development of free radicals and cause premature aging. *

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