Grapes, the fruit of a million benefits
That said, the cultivation of grapes has been developed in the Middle East since 4000 BC. There are many varieties of this small, clustered round fruit, but the most widely developed is the Vitis vinifera variety. Apart from being eaten directly as fruit, in several European, American and Australian countries, grapes are more popularly consumed as wine.
The refreshing flavor, dangling graceful appearance, and relatively high prices make grapes a prestigious fruit in Indonesia. However, the main advantage is that it is very good for health, such as reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
There are at least 3 colors of grapes on the Indonesian market, namely green, red-purple, and purple-black. Red-purple and purple-black pigments are a reflection of the presence of anthocyanin group pigments. The darker the color, the higher the anthocyanin content. Its most important role as an antioxidant. Anthocyanins are part of the flavonoid family (part of the polyphenol group).
Some of the anthocyanin compounds present in red-purple and purple-black grapes are resveratrol and quercetin. Resveratol is able to stab the development of unhealthy cells, namely tumors or cancer. Resveratol concentration is mostly found in the skin of grapes. Quercetin helps lower the risk of coronary heart disease.
The flavonoids in green grapes (or white grapes) are a class of tannins called catechins (cathechins). Its main function? Also as an antioxidant.
Are you worried about the threat of pesticides ‘haunting’ the grapes? Quiet. You don’t need to panic too much and stop consuming this beneficial fruit. To be sure, pesticides now have water soluble properties. Soak the grapes to be consumed for a few minutes in water, then rub each grain under the running water. Fruit ready to eat!
Health advice: Consume 2 servings of fruit per day. Well, 1 serving of grapes is equivalent to 6-8 grapes. Come on, start regularly consuming this fruit to get its benefits!
Wine Facts
– Low GI (Glicemic Index), maintains blood sugar levels
– Source of fiber and potassium. Potassium is very good for people with high blood pressure
– High in vitamins K and C.
– Raisins are drained red-purple grapes, while sultanas are dried green grapes