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Don't be underestimated, these are the benefits of a pre-marital check-up

KONTAN.CO.ID – Jakarta. Marriage is one of the sacred moments that a number of couples look forward to. However, there is one thing that is often overlooked by prospective married couples before marriage, namely pre-marital check-ups.

Even though pre-marital check-ups are actually not much different from medical check-ups because the goal is both to find out the health condition of a person, especially a partner.

So, do you need a pre-marital check-up? Then, what are the benefits?

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Benefits of pre-marital check-ups

Summarized from the official website of the Ministry of Health, here are some benefits of pre-marital check-up for couples getting married:

1. Knowing fertility

Pre-marital check-ups provide benefits to husband and wife who plan to have children to anticipate the worst possibility of certain diseases.

For those of you who want to have a baby right away, a pre-marital check-up will help determine the fertility level of both women and men. So even doctors can recommend the right program to follow to increase the chances of pregnancy.

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2. Knowing the risk of certain diseases

Pre-marital check-ups don’t just mention one or two things. Various health conditions will be revealed through the examination.

You and your partner must pass at least six to seven tests with different specifications. On the other hand, the prospective bride and groom also have the flexibility to take tests that are deemed urgent and ignore the rest.

The risks of other diseases that can be detected from pre-marital check-ups include anemia, infection, hepatitis, to HIV / AIDS. This step will also make you and your partner open to each other’s health conditions.

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