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Children Like to Imagine, There are Benefits!

Playing fantasy or imagining may seem a little strange — but it is part of a child’s growing process

OK, Mama must have frowned immediately when the child said that he could see the future. Even so, Mama doesn’t need to worry right away that she can’t accept the reality.

“Children enjoy imagining most because it allows them to create — and possibly control — their own world,” says Judith Tellerman, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago.

Fantasy play is a continuation of pretend play that children have loved for many years. Remember when he used to say he wanted to be a firefighter? Now, he could become someone who could shoot water from his hands. And, don’t be surprised if it suddenly roars because today he is a lion.

“Children use fantasy to practice a skill, and they also want to try to show feelings or behaviors that might not be acceptable at other times,” explains Carolyn Saarni, Ph.D., professor of counseling at Sonoma State University, Barkeley, California.

Children aren’t the only ones who don’t do something real. Most parents still tell their child that there is a tooth fairy, Easter Bunny, etc. until the child understands the truth later. “Children often imagine something crazy or wild, but we just need to tell sufficient things when their teeth fall out for the first time or at Easter,” said Tellerman.

Stop this game if it turns into something dangerous. It was okay for him to say he could fly. Once he started to ‘fly’ from the table, it’s time for Mama to step in.

Imagination is a lot of fun and usually lasts until he is older, when books like Twilight, for example, grow and get a lot of buzz.

Also read: Children like to fantasize, is it normal?