Check out 6 benefits of hazelnut for hair and how to make them
KONTAN.CO.ID – Many people already know the benefits of hazelnut oil for hair health. Yes, the benefits of hazelnut oil for hair are indeed numerous, and it’s not just a myth considering that this ingredient is good for the scalp.
Candlenut (Aleurites moluccanus) is the fruit of the candlenut tree that grows in tropical climates such as Indonesia. The shape of the fruit is similar to a walnut, so many people also refer to it as Indonesian walnut.
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However, hazelnut should not be consumed raw because it is poisonous. Candlenut must be processed (cooked or made into oil) first so that humans can feel the benefits, for example to relieve asthma, digestive ailments, to strengthen hair.
In general, candlenut is widely processed into various health products. Candlenut oil is widely used to treat joint pain, heal burns, cut wounds, sunburns, to increase the work of the immune system.
The benefits of hazelnut oil for hair and scalp are also numerous. Here are some of them:
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Prevents dry hair
The first benefit of hazelnut oil is to moisturize the hair because it is rich in amino acids and essential fatty acids that can penetrate deep into the layers of the scalp.
This makes hazelnut oil make hair look healthy and not dry.
Makes hair shiny
Candlenut oil also contains gamma-linoleic acid which acts as a natural conditioner for hair. Its function is the same, namely to restore moisture to the hair so that the hair will look shiny.
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