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Benefits of Meat for Children

Apart from its delicious taste, red meat is also indispensable in the golden period for children aged 2-3 years. Here’s a list of other benefits, Ma:

• Apart from being high in protein and fat, red meat is also rich in iron.

• Iron is needed as the basic material for the formation of red blood cells, while red blood cells themselves have a very important function, which is to carry oxygen and nutrients to the brain and all other body cells.

• Giving red meat to children at least 2-3 times a week until the age of 2-3 years can prevent children from becoming iron deficient. Can be interspersed with other meats such as fish or chicken.

• Previously, the theory was still held that protein is introduced at the age of 8-9 months. However, since last year, it has been recommended that protein should be introduced at the age of 6 months after passing the introduction of the first complementary foods, in the form of cereals (rice). (Photo: doc. Feminagroup.)