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5 Surprising Benefits of Jengkol

BERITAKINI.CO | Jengkol is one of the foods that is not recommended to be consumed before carrying out a corona test using the GeNose tool.

The smell is said to make the tool not optimal. Even though behind that, jengkol is one food that has a number of surprising benefits.

Jengkol contains various important substances for the body such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Some time ago, a clinical nutrition specialist from the Department of Nutrition, FKUI, Dr. Anna Maurina Singal, told detikHealth that jengkol is beneficial if consumed in sufficient quantities.

Anna added that jengkol contains vitamins A, B and C as well as the minerals phosphorus, calcium and iron.

In 100 grams of jengkol contains 192 kcal, 5.4 grams of protein, 0.3 grams of fat, 40.7 grams of carbohydrates and 0.7 mg of iron.

Here are some of the benefits of jengkol for health:

1. Maintain heart health

Jengkol contains antioxidants that can ward off free radicals in the body and help improve blood circulation.

When consumed in small amounts, jengkol is also useful for supporting heart health.

But remember not to cook it with a mixture of coconut milk or high-fat ingredients.

2. Prevent anemia

Jengkol also contains iron. Iron functions for the formation of red blood cells in the blood making it suitable for treating anemia.

In addition, to avoid anemia, you also need to eat foods that contain vitamin C so that iron absorption is more optimal.

3. Maintain weight

Jengkol contains fiber so it is useful for maintaining body weight. In addition, jengkol can also burn body energy and overcome body fat as long as it is cooked the right way.

4. Controlling blood sugar levels

Jengkol has active compounds that function to control and control blood sugar levels. So that diabetics are considered safe to consume jengkol.

5. Stabilizing the body’s vital organs

Vital organs in the body will function optimally when the body has enough folic acid and vitamin B6. Thanks to this content, jengkol is useful for pregnant women.

As written in the book 56 Magic Foods and Its Benefits for Health and Beauty by Yusuf CK Arianto, the iron content in jengkol is high enough not only to prevent anemia but also to increase stamina.

To take the benefits of jengkol, regular consumption in the form of fresh vegetables will be very helpful in overcoming the problem of iron deficiency.

It has many benefits and tastes good for some people, making jengkol a favorite of many people. However, when you want to use the GeNose COVID-19 detection tool made by Gadjah Mada University (UGM) which works by detecting certain compounds from the breath you should not consume jengkol.

The head of the GeNose Development Team, Professor Kuwat Triyana, said there was a possibility that the aroma from the jengkol that was eaten made the GeNose test results inaccurate.

According to Kuwat, it is better if one hour or at least 30 minutes before being tested, don’t eat strong-flavored foods. Like jengkol, banana, durian, coffee, and smoking.