Benefits of Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

Lately, there has been a growing ‘invitation’ to live a minimalist lifestyle. That said, in Japan, his followers continued to grow. People who live, live with things that are really needed on a daily basis, and get rid of those that are useless or of no benefit.
One example of adopting this lifestyle, which was reported in several media is Fumio Sasaki, an editor, living in a simple apartment in Tokyo. Sasaki only has three shirts, four pants, four pairs of socks, and a few other essential items. Not without money, but he chose a minimalist life since 2 years ago.
It may be inconceivable in your life to adopt a minimalist lifestyle. How is it possible, not to follow the latest fashion trends and have only a few items when the children are growing? There are tons of toys for children, not to mention the various school utensils, food, objects that support their activities, etc., which surely fill the house.
Sasaki may be a hard-line minimalist, and it is not easy for everyone to follow. However, we can adapt some things related to a minimalist lifestyle. For example, not buying clothes, toys, household appliances impulsively, only buying things that are really necessary and can be used for a long time, not hoarding a lot of things at home, carefully sorting out your needs and wants, sharing with people. -people who need, make the most of existing objects, etc.
The benefits obtained are quite a lot. The fewer items, the less energy required to tidy up. We also become stress free, right? We have a lot of time, so instead of just cleaning up every time you get home, you will have more time to play with your children, have activities with friends, and easily find me time. Home too
more organized and tidy.
Because you are diligent in sorting things that are no longer needed, and only keeping things that are of daily use, then you will have the opportunity to share with others. Having few things can also mean less worry about keeping too many things from bad guys. Minimalist living also means it will prevent us from consumerism, and make it easier for us to be grateful for whatever we have today. (photo: 123 rf)