5 Benefits of Bean Sprouts for Health
5 Benefits of Bean Sprouts for Health

Sprouts come from whole grains, such as green beans and soybeans. This tiny vegetable is more often used as a mixture of dishes, for example, stir-fry or soup mix. When compared to the original seeds, bean sprouts are more nutritious. The protein in bean sprouts is higher than the original seed protein. This is because during the germination process (the process of changing from seeds to bean sprouts) there is the formation of essential amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. This germination process also increases digestibility because this process also plays a role in providing essential nutrients for plant growth.
Sprouts contain various important nutrients, namely vitamins A, B complex, C, E, and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, fiber, folate, and amino acids and protein.
The benefits of bean sprouts include:
- IMPROVING FERTILITY, as well as reducing menstrual complaints and PMS (premenstrual syndrome), as well as disorders due to menopause and pre-menopausal complaints.
- IMPROVES BONE DENSITY. Natural estrogen in bean sprouts can increase bone density and structure, and prevent osteoporosis.
- ANTI AGING. Apart from being rich in antioxidants, bean sprouts are also rich in vitamin E which is useful in slowing down aging, removing black spots on the face, acne, nourishing hair, and helping to rejuvenate and smooth the skin.
- GOOD FOR DIGESTION. In some people, nuts can cause bloating. Eating bean sprouts is the best way to get the nutritional benefits of nuts without making your stomach bloat because of the alkaline nature of bean sprouts.
- PREVENT CANCER. Because they contain lots of fiber and water, bean sprouts help the excretion of waste in the colon so that it does not allow carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) to stick to the intestinal wall that causes cancer.
– Gout sufferers should be careful eating bean sprouts. Just like the original form, namely nuts, bean sprouts can also increase uric acid levels
– Gout sufferers should be careful eating bean sprouts. Just like the original form, namely nuts, bean sprouts can also increase uric acid levels
– Sprouts should be eaten raw. Or at least, just cook the bean sprouts for a while. In that way, the damage to vitamins and enzymes is only around 20 percent. If cooked too long, the damage to nutrients in bean sprouts can reach 60 percent.
(photo: 123rf)
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