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Benefits of cupping therapy, can get rid of acne and cure other diseases

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Cupping therapy is a type of therapy that stimulates energy through the meridians in the body. There are many benefits of cupping therapy that you can get. Starting from maintaining healthy skin, treating respiratory problems, and so on.

Cupping therapy uses a glass-shaped container made of plastic, bamboo, or glass. Before starting therapy, oil will be rubbed on the patient’s skin to facilitate movement of the glasses during therapy.

How does cupping therapy work? Quoting from Rejuv Medspa, a cloth soaked in alcohol will be rubbed on the glass to remove air to form a vacuum. After that, the glass was immediately placed on the meridian path.

Usually, cupping therapy is placed on the back, but it does not rule out that therapy is also carried out in other parts of the body. The vacuum causes the skin to be drawn into the glass so that blood and energy circulation is better.

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Benefits of Cupping Therapy

The benefits of cupping therapy are obtained from increasing blood circulation and energy in the body. Rejuv Medspa mentions some of the benefits of cupping therapy that you can get. First, cupping therapy is useful for treating various types of diseases.

Arthritis, lower back pain, headache, and toothache are some of the diseases that cupping therapy can treat. In arthritis, cupping therapy is also applied to the affected joint.

You can also get the benefits of cupping therapy to reduce fatigue, especially for those of you who don’t have much time to rest. Cupping therapy can be an effective way to relieve fatigue so that it doesn’t get worse.

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The benefits of cupping therapy are to improve blood circulation so that the distribution of oxygen and nutrients is better. It makes skin condition healthier. Acne, eczema, and cellulite can be reduced due to cupping therapy.

Rejuv Medspa said that cupping therapy is also useful for treating digestive problems and diseases of the urinary tract. Not only that, the benefits of cupping therapy can also provide a relaxing effect.

Editor: Belladina Biananda