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Benefits of Children Learning Science

Perhaps there are still many who consider learning science to be identical to science subjects at school, associated with de-memorization, formulas, and long and complicated calculations. For those who are not interested, science is often seen as a troublesome subject during school, unattractive because it only memorizes and calculates without knowing what it will be used for.

In fact, science is actually more than just a subject. Accordingly Dr. Neil de Grasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History New York, USA. “Science provides a ‘set of tools’ for understanding how the world around us works. In essence, learning science is not intended to make children become a chemist or astronomer (although it would be nice if he becomes a scientist later), but rather the understanding that science is always everywhere and becomes part of everyday life.

Learning science for children is not learning textbook, with memorization, formulas and calculations. Nor is it just a concept or knowledge. Armed with great curiosity, children can be encouraged to learn science by observing, asking questions, investigating, recording their ‘findings’, and exploring the world around them to find answers.

So the emphasis is doing science, so that children are able to think and act logically. This skill will be very useful in the future because even if he does not work as a scientist in the future, these skills can still be applied in all aspects of life.

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