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Benefits of Active Parents in Children's School Activities

, family psychologist, there are two things parents can do, namely practical and conceptual. The practical one, for example, is getting acquainted and having good communication with the teacher. If you never ‘get acquainted’, it could be that your conversation with the child’s teacher will only occur when the child has problems or when receiving report cards. “The chat will not be deep, you will become less familiar with the children in the school setting, which is certainly different from the children at home,” said Nina. Communication with teachers is the key to the relationship between parents and schools. “Communicate with the teacher often, although don’t disturb it either. yes, “Suggested Nina. For example, when picking up your child, you can greet and ask about his family, to discuss things related to lessons that are difficult for children to understand and you need practical advice on how to solve them.

Another way is to activate yourself at the child’s school, either through the school committee / POMG, or get involved in various school activities that require parental assistance. However, if you are not interested in organization or have enough time, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. There are many other activities that require parental support, really. If the school holds a bazaar or seminar, for example, come. If you are busy working from Monday to Friday, then when school holds activities on Saturday, try to attend.

Conceptual matters are thinking about what the school can do and contributing ideas. For example, you could suggest that the school hosts an activity career day so that children get to know various kinds of professions, seminars for parents of students on how to teach sexuality to children, and provide input to improve the school canteen to make it healthier and more comfortable. By involving yourself more in school, as a bonus, you will receive important information more quickly, both from teachers and other parents. And, you know, when you are active in school, there is something that the child feels.

“There are children who are very proud when they see their mother and father asked to help school. I remember one time when I was asked by the school to speak at a seminar for children. I saw my child’s eyes shining with awe looking at me, ”said Nina, laughing. Positive parental involvement in school, continued Nina, will make children feel comfortable emotionally, which of course will have an impact on the development of their abilities.