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Adding benefits, Taspen suggested that the premium increase

Reporter: Christine Novita Nababan | Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie

JAKARTA. PT Taspen (Persero) offers work accident and death benefits as additional benefits to their 4.5 million active participants. With conditions, active participants who are still making contributions to pay more in their premiums or contributions, namely 0.2% of the basic salary for personal accident benefits and 0.3% for death benefits.

Iqbal Latanro, President Director of Taspen said, currently, the proposal to increase the premium or fee is still awaiting approval from the Ministry of Finance. “So, gimmick The additional benefits are for participants who want to, “he said, Thursday (14/8).

For your information, until now, participants have paid a premium or contribution of 8% of their basic salary. 3.25% of them are included in the old age benefits program (THT) and 4.75% are placed in the pension program. The THT program funds are managed by Taspen. Meanwhile, pension program funds are managed separately.

As of June 30, 2014, the THT program funds managed by Taspen reached IDR 44.02 trillion, while the pension program funds were IDR 70.14 trillion. “The benefits of personal accident and death for Taspen participants will not collide with the programs run by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Each of them has rules of the game, ”said Faisal Rachman, Director of Planning and Information Technology.

Taspen noted that the number of participants reached 6.9 million people. As many as 4.5 million of them are active participants or those who are still paying premiums or fees, while 2.4 million are retirees.

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