5 benefits of water spinach that you should not miss, can prevent aging
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Just like other green vegetables, kale has a myriad of benefits that come from the nutrients in it, such as vitamin C, iron, and vitamin A. The benefits of kale affect the health of your body, including skin and hair conditions.
Protects Heart Health
Not only contains vitamin C and vitamin A, kale also has lots of beta carotene which acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are needed by the body to prevent cholesterol from oxidizing so that you can avoid the risk of stroke, heart attack and artery blockage.
Stylecraze (stylecraze.com) says that kale is rich in folate which can reduce the amount of homocysteine, a dangerous chemical associated with strokes and heart attacks. The magnesium in kale also works to lower blood pressure so that your heart health can be maintained.
Increase the Immune System
The benefits of kale are not only useful for protecting heart health, but also maintaining the body’s immune system. In addition to boosting the immune system, kale can also increase the number of toxic substances that can be released by the body.
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Good for Eye Health
The benefits of kale are then useful for your eye health because they contain lots of vitamin A, lutein, and carotenoids. Not only that, kale also has glutathione which functions to prevent cataracts.
Prevents Signs of Aging
As we get older, there are many signs of aging that can appear on a person’s skin. Some of the signs of aging are wrinkles, halur lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and so on. To avoid this, try to eat kale regularly.
The antioxidants in kale are useful for fighting free radicals that cause signs of aging. Not only that, the ingredients in kale are also able to increase the strength of the skin to deal with the effects of sunlight so that the appearance of signs of aging can be prevented.
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Overcoming Hair Loss
If you are experiencing hair loss problems, try to treat it with kale. In addition to overcoming hair loss, kale can also improve the quality and texture of hair so that its growth can be maximized.
Stylecraze recommends that you drink a mixture of kale and lettuce. You can substitute cabbage for lettuce if you wish. To add flavor, add lemon juice and or black pepper. Drink one glass of the mixture every day for maximum results.
Editor: Belladina Biananda