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5 Benefits of coconut water for health

KONTAN.CO.ID – Coconut water has many benefits that are useful for health. Some of the benefits of coconut water that you can get are overcoming dehydration, digestive problems, and other problems.

This type of fluid is also commonly drunk during exercise because it contains natural electrolytes. Here are some of the benefits of coconut water that you can get:

Low in calories

If you want to lose weight, coconut water can be used to replace sugary drinks or other high-calorie drinks that you often consume. However, coconut water still cannot beat water which has 0 calories.

Quoted from Medical News Today, there are 45 calories in a glass of coconut water. So, the portion of coconut water you consume still needs to be considered, yes.


Although it is able to nourish the body, exercise can also cause oxidative stress and the formation of free radicals in the body. This can be overcome by the antioxidants in coconut water.

Look for fresh or unprocessed coconut water to keep plenty of antioxidants.

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Young coconut fruit

Natural electrolytes

The benefits of coconut water can also be felt by someone who does sports. Coconut water contains natural electrolytes without artificial sweeteners, added sugars, and dyes.

Coconut water contains less carbohydrates and sodium (electrolytes that are released when the body produces sweat) than sports drinks. So, coconut water cannot provide enough energy for exercise for more than 90 minutes.

However, this type of drink can still hydrate the body directly. Make sure not to add sugar to coconut water so that its hydrating effects don’t go away and you don’t get unnecessary extra calories.

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Amino acid

Launch Medical News Today, amino acids essential for building protein and repairing tissues in the body. Coconut water is the main source of arginine.

Arginine is a type of amino acid that helps the body respond to stress. For example, stress due to strenuous exercise. Not only that, these types of amino acids are also able to maintain the health of your heart.


Another benefit of coconut water is to fight signs of cancer and premature aging. This is due to the presence of cytokinins. However, further research is still needed to prove this.

Editor: Belladina Biananda