4 Benefits of soursop leaves and side effects
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. There are many benefits of soursop leaves that can be felt by the body. This is due to the presence of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and other ingredients. When consuming it regularly and in the right portion, you can get the following benefits.
Controlling Inflammation
Quoting from Stylecraze (stylecraze.com), There are 117 types of content in soursop leaves that are equipped with anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from being anti-inflammatory, soursop leaves also contain antioxidants so they are suitable for accelerating the wound healing process.
The anti-inflammatory properties in soursop leaves prevent the growth of inflammatory mediators in the body, such as IL-6 and nitric oxide. Several types of wounds or diseases that can be cured by soursop leaves are fever, diarrhea, arthritis, rashes on the skin, malaria, and other parasitic infections.
Reduces Insomnia
Are you experiencing insomnia? If so, regularly consuming soursop leaf extract before bed can solve the problem. Soursop leaves contain a sedative effect so that they can relax the muscles. In addition, soursop leaves can also reduce the stress you are feeling.
Also Read: Soursop leaves, a powerful herbal remedy to relieve gout
Maintain Oral Health
Maintaining oral health is another soursop leaf benefit mentioned by Stylecraze. This natural ingredient is able to prevent the growth and development of bacteria and fungi, such as mutant Streptococcus and Candida albican.
These bacterial and fungal infections can cause various types of oral diseases, for example gingivitis, periodontitis, and so on. These diseases can be prevented with antibacterial and antifungal properties in soursop leaves.
Editor: Belladina Biananda