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4 Benefits of avocado for diet, can reduce belly fat

KONTAN.CO.ID – If you are looking for ways to lose weight, avocado may be the answer. The benefits of avocado for the diet come from the nutritional content in it.

Avocados have a lot of unsaturated fat, so they are suitable for lowering cholesterol.

The benefits of avocado for diet are increasingly felt because it can reduce belly fat, so the risk of metabolic syndrome is also reduced. This ability of unsaturated fats and oleic fatty acids.

Launch from Eat This Not That, regularly consuming 40 g of oleic oil for four weeks can reduce belly fat by 1.6%. You get the benefits of avocado for your diet because unsaturated fat can prevent fat distribution around the stomach by reducing certain fat genes.

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Apart from reducing belly fat, the benefits of avocado for diet are also for other reasons. Eat This Not That mentioned, avocado can suppress hunger, is useful for the overall diet, helps absorption of nutrients, and so on.

Avocado Benefits

Well, here are the benefits of avocado for the diet:

You can use the benefits of avocado for your diet to endure hunger for longer. Research published in the Nutrition Journal shows that 40% of participants who ate avocado for lunch felt less hungry a few hours later.

  • Improve Diet Quality

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) says, regularly consuming half an avocado every day can improve the overall quality of the diet. In addition, metabolic syndrome can also be reduced by as much as 50%.

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Editor: Belladina Biananda