22 Benefits of Blood Donation
Have you ever donated blood? Luckily if you have or even do it regularly.
There are 22 benefits of donating our blood as mentioned in the “A Drop for Hopes” event, an event commemorating the world blood donation day on June 14, 2013. A Drop for Hopes is a Tupperware collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross which aims to educate the public about the benefits of blood donation. .
What are the benefits?
1. A form of concern for others
2. Extend the life of others
3. Helping other people’s lives
4. One bag of blood can save 3 lives
5. Helps lose weight
6. Helps burn calories
7. Early detection of health risks
8. Protect the heart
9. Prevent stroke
10. Set up health control
11. Increase red blood cells
12. Increase lung and kidney capacity
13. Improve psychological health
14. Helps blood circulation
15. Maximize blood in the lungs
16. Lowering zinc in the blood
17. Renew new blood cells
18. Prevent health risks
19. Prevent rare diseases
20. Eliminate stiffness in the shoulders
21. Beat excess iron
22. Find out more about individual blood types