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Following are the Purpose and Benefits of Play for Early Childhood. Page all

KOMPAS.com – Early childhood must be given a good stimulus. Besides that, children are also given the opportunity to play. Because, the world of children is a world of play.

For parents to have early childhood, they must understand that there are many benefits of playing. What are the benefits of playing?

Launching the website of the Directorate of Early Childhood Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Tuesday (10/11/2020), here are the goals and benefits of playing for early childhood.

Purpose of play

1. As a means for children to experiment (do various simple experiments) so as to gain new knowledge or experiences.

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2. As a means of training children to adapt (adjust) to the environment.

3. As a means of imitation for children because they are free to express themselves by imitating various things in their imagination.

4. As a means for children to explore so that their curiosity is fulfilled.

1. Developing religious moral abilities.

2. Develop motor skills / movement.

3. Developing cognitive abilities / thinking power.

4. Develop artistic skills.

5. Develop language skills.

6. Develop social emotional skills.

The role of parents

1. Provide tools and materials with a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and fine / rough textures.

2. Provide opportunities for children to play with various objects in the environment.

3. Arrange play equipment so that children can easily retrieve and return it.

4. Inviting children to communicate actively.

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5. Using open-ended questions to stimulate children’s language and thinking skills is a question that has a lot. Choice of answers, not “Yes” or “No” answers.

6. Observe what the children did and said, then documented either photos / videos / notes.