Burdock Benefits For Health | health tips
Burdock works as both a decongestant and diuretic in the body, and can cause sweating. and helps remove toxins from all parts of the body, including the blood, liver, lymphatic system, kidneys and gallbladder. Burdock is being researched as a cure for cancer.
Recent research has shown that arctigenin, a chemical in burdock, does not actually slow tumor growth. Burdock is an active ingredient in popular natural medicines for cancer, including Essiac and Hoxsey. Of course, cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease.
Burdock may help treat diabetes by reducing blood sugar. In one study in laboratory rats, burdock root reduced blood sugar levels and improved carbohydrate tolerance. In another laboratory study, animals consuming burdock root were protected from the toxic effects of several toxic chemicals. Burdock stalks taste almost like celery, but the leaves are slightly bitter like green dandelion. The root of the plant is considered a vegetable in Japan, and is usually found in shops and markets offering Asian produce. Safe and effective burdock capsules or liquid root extract (Bur oil), are also available at most pharmacies and health food stores. Burdock extract has long been used in Europe to treat dandruff and promote hair growth. If you want to use burdock to improve the condition of your hair, simply massage the burdock root oil into your scalp.
Burdock is generally safe, but some people should be careful when consuming this herb, especially those with abnormal blood sugar levels. Pregnant women are also not advised to use this burdock, because it can cause uterine contractions.