Garlic illustration. © Pixabay – Garlic is one of the herbs that is often used to process various kinds of dishes. It can even be said that onions are one of the basic spices that are always needed for every dish. Starting from cooking soup, stir-fry, fry, to roast.
In this case, the onion has a strong enough smell that it can add an even better aroma to each dish. Not only that, but onions can also provide a distinctive taste in every dish that cannot be replaced by other spices. No wonder garlic is an important spice that should not be missed in every dish.
One type of garlic that is often used is single garlic. As the name implies, this single garlic only stands alone or only has one fruit. This single garlic is also often referred to as lanang onion.
Apart from being a kitchen spice, it turns out that there are several health benefits of lanang onions that need to be known. It is known that the benefits of lanang onions can be useful for treating toothaches effectively. Not only that, lanang onions can also be applied topically to treat and prevent acne, consumed to increase endurance, to treat various diseases.
Reporting from, here we summarize some of the health benefits of lanang onions that you need to know.
Increase Stamina
The first benefit of lanang onions is that they can increase stamina. In this case lanang onions can improve muscle and heart performance more optimally.
This certainly can help you in doing your daily work activities. That way, your stamina is well maintained and allows you to be more productive with a lower risk of fatigue.
Prevents Acne
The benefits of lanang onions can also be used to prevent acne. The antioxidant content in lanang onions is considered very effective in preventing acne.
In addition, this antioxidant content can also fight various free radical compounds that enter the body. That way the body will be healthier and the risk of skin damage from free radicals can be minimized.
Treating Toothache

The next proven effective benefit of lanang onions is to treat toothaches. In this case, lanang onions have antibacterial properties that can kill germs that cause toothache.
This content can also work to reduce pain caused by cavities or other toothaches. This benefit can be obtained by chewing garlic right on the aching tooth. The allicin compound contained in it will kill germs and bacteria effectively.
Increase Endurance
Increasing endurance is also one of the benefits of lanang onions that can be obtained. Single garlic or lanang onion contains alliinase and alliin enzymes which can fight various viruses that cause disease.
Not only that, if consumed regularly this lanang onion can also help increase endurance properly.
Treating Diabetes

Next, the benefits of lanang onions that are no less important are that they can treat diabetes. It should be noted, that lanang onions have hypoglycemic properties which can reduce blood sugar levels effectively. This benefit is of course useful for treating diabetics.
To get this benefit, you just need to crush the lanang onion first, then chew it directly. If you can’t stand the smell, you can mix the onions with honey to make it more comfortable to eat.
Relieves Hemorrhoid
The next benefit of lanang onions is that they can relieve hemorrhoids. This benefit is still obtained from the content of allicin which functions as an antibacterial.
To get this benefit, just grind a few grains of lanang onion then apply it around the anus or on the sore area. Besides being able to be applied directly, garlic can also be consumed as a juice mixed with other vegetables.
Lowering Cholesterol Levels

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The benefits of lanang onions can also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. It is known, garlic is very effective at lowering cholesterol levels of 500-100 milligrams of cholesterol.
Based on research results, it was found that garlic can also increase good cholesterol levels in the body. This is of course very good for maintaining blood circulation in the body and heart health. To get this benefit, it is enough to drink boiled garlic water that has been mashed.
Good for Heart Health
The next benefits of lanang onions are good for maintaining heart health. As previously explained, garlic is useful for lowering bad cholesterol levels and increasing good cholesterol in the body.
In addition, garlic is also considered effective in controlling blood pressure in the body. Not only that, consumption of garlic can also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis or a condition that occurs in the heart
Prevent cancer

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The last health benefits of lanang onions are that they can prevent cancer. In this case, lanang onions contain organosulfides which can help the liver function to remove various toxins that cause cancer. It is known, this benefit is very effective in preventing the risk of stomach cancer or colon cancer.
The study results also showed that people who ate more garlic had a lower risk of colon cancer than people who did not eat single garlic.
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