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10 Benefits of Chinese Teak Leaves for Health, Help Lower Body Weight to Prevent Bad Breath

10 Benefits of Chinese Teak Leaves for Health, Help Lower Body Weight to Prevent Bad BreathChinese teak leaf tea. © 2020 Liputan6.com

Merdeka.com – Not many know, Chinese teak leaves are actually made from sannah, senna, or sena leaves. This type of beverage material is now increasingly recognized among the public because it is beneficial for health.

One of the benefits of Chinese teak leaves, which are known as tea, is to lose weight. The benefits of Chinese teak leaves for weight loss may be one of the benefits that you have heard often.

Chinese teak leaf tea or senna leaves contain laxative compounds, namely anthraquinone glycosides which can facilitate bowel movements. The benefits of Chinese teak leaves can also overcome constipation due to lack of eating fibrous foods. Not only that, the benefits of Chinese teak leaves are also believed to increase endurance, treat skin, treat hemorrhoids, eliminate bad breath, and treat skin infections.

But besides the benefits of Chinese teak leaf tea that can be obtained, in consuming Chinese teak leaf tea, several other things need to be considered. Chinese teak leaf tea is not recommended if consumed by pregnant and lactating women, or women who are menstruating.

Reporting from Liputan6.com, here are some of the benefits of Chinese teak leaves that can be obtained if consumed regularly and according to recommendations.

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