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6 Benefits of Bulus Oil for Skin, Overcome Acne to Eliminate Scars

6 Benefits of Bulus Oil for Skin, Overcome Acne to Eliminate ScarsIllustration of healthy skin. Shutterstock / Piotr Marcinski

Merdeka.com – Most of the people are probably familiar with turtle oil. The turtle oil is oil taken from the turtle’s shell, which is a type of turtle with a soft shell. So don’t be surprised if this oil smells fishy.

Even though it smells fishy, ​​turtle oil is widely used because of its beneficial properties for the body. It is also mentioned that some of the main ingredients of turtle oil are vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

One of the well-known benefits of turtle oil is that it can enlarge or tighten the breasts. In addition, the benefits of turtle oil are also often associated with male vitality.

However, with several vitamins in it, turtle oil is also considered to provide benefits for skin health.

Reporting from Liputan6.com, here are some of the benefits of turtle oil for the skin.

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