– Every Muslim who wants to pray, is advised to perform ablution first. Apart from being a prerequisite for prayer and several other acts of worship, it turns out that ablution also has various benefits that are good for daily life. Therefore, every Muslim is advised to always maintain his wudhu when he is about to pray.
Launch from NU On line, Ablution is obligatory if you want to pray, tawaf, i’tikaf, and read or hold the Koran. Thus, wudu occupies an important position in worship. In fact, the validity of a worship depends on the way of wudhu.
Wudu does not only function as a means to clean minor hadats. However, ablution also has many virtues and benefits for everyday life. Not surprisingly, the Prophet Muhammad SAW always advised every Muslim to always pay attention to his wudhu.
So, what are the benefits of ablution for everyday life? Check out the reviews quoted from NU Online:
Removing Sins

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Every Muslim who performs ablution, Allah SWT will forgive his mistakes. In addition, ablution can also increase a person’s degree and will always be given patience when facing displeased matters. This is as stated in one hadith, Rasulullah SAW said:
“Will I show you what makes Allah erase mistakes and elevate degrees?” The companions replied, “Of course, O Apostle.” He continued, “Complete ablution on cold mornings, be patient in dealing with displeased matters, take more steps to the mosque, and wait for prayer after prayer. That is ribath, “(Narrated by Muslim)
Letting go of the Shackles and his wish was granted
Rasulullah SAW once described that people who sleep have several shackles. However, if the person wakes up and performs ablution, the fetters will be released and all his wishes will be granted. As stated in the following hadith, which means:
“Two men from my ummah where one of them wakes up at night and takes himself to purify, while he is shackled several shackles, then ablution. When ablution wash his hands, one fetters are released. When ablution wash his face, then the other shackles are released. rubbing his head, the other fetters were released. When washing his feet, the next fetters were released. Then, the Rabb said to those behind the veil, ‘Look at my servant. He overcomes himself. Whatever my servant asks of -I then request it for him, “(Narrated by Ibn Hibban).
Face Looks Radiant

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One of the other benefits of ablution is that the face will look radiant. Every Muslim who is accustomed to performing ablution will leave marks on his face and hands. Even on the Day of Resurrection, people who always perform ablution will have a bright face.
Rasulullah SAW himself suggested to exceed the body that was washed during ablution, so that on the Day of Resurrection it will look radiant. This is as explained in one of the following hadiths, which means:
“Indeed, my people on the Day of Resurrection will be al-ghurr and al-muhajjalun because of ablution. Anyone who is able to lengthen his ghurr should do it !,” (Narrated by Ahmad).
Maintain Body Resistance
The benefits of ablution for daily life afterward are maintaining endurance. As quoted from NU Online, Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist Leopold Werner von Ehrenfels said that ablution makes the body healthier. The reason is, ablution water can stimulate the nerves of the body, so that it can maintain endurance.
Maintain Healthy Skin
Wudu does have tremendous benefits for health, one of which is preventing skin diseases. A person who performs ablution, at least five times a day, can keep his skin clean. In addition, ablution also functions effectively to protect the skin from various diseases.