Visit to the City of Surakarta, Coordinating Minister for PMK Ensures the Right Benefit Social Assistance Program
Reporter: Sponsored | Editor: cecilia valencia
Surakarta, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Puan Maharani today conducted a series of working visits to the city of Surakarta. Menko PMK conveyed the social assistance program provided by the government as a commitment and concern for meeting the basic needs of the community.
This was conveyed by the Coordinating Minister for PMK during a gathering with recipients of aid from government programs at Pendapi Agung Surakarta City. Government programs to ensure the quality of people’s lives are carried out through the fulfillment of nutrition for the first 1,000 days of life, health insurance (through KIS), education insurance (through KIP), providing national character education, family hope program (PKH), and food security (through food assistance. ).
“Today I went to Solo to check whether the social assistance provided by the government has gone well,” said the Coordinating Minister for PMK.
The Coordinating Minister for PMK added that the Mayor of Surakarta had said that central government social assistance was synergized with social assistance from local governments.
“Everything is useful, goes well, which certainly can be used by the community. We hope that the welfare of the people of Solo can increase,” added the Coordinating Minister for PMK.
The Coordinating Minister for PMK emphasized that for the current program to be sustainable, the synergy between the central and regional governments must be maintained. Apart from that, all available assistance must be used properly.
“If all aid programs provided are proven to be utilized properly, we will continue to give the program efforts back,” ordered the Coordinating Minister for PMK.
On this occasion, the Coordinating Minister for PMK symbolically provided assistance to the beneficiaries.
Overall the assistance provided was in the form of Smart Indonesia Cards (500 recipients), SK TPG (100 recipient teachers), PAUD and Dikmas assistance, 500 Kg PMT for pregnant women and 500 Kg PMT for toddlers, as well as seed assistance for 15 farmer groups.
In 2018, the government provided educational facilities in the city of Surakarta in the form of Information and Communication Technology-based learning facilities for 11 elementary schools amounting to Rp. 643,500,000, – Junior high school education facilities of Rp. 1,079,139,000, -, and high school education facilities in the form of new classes, libraries and ICT-based equipment of Rp. 1,134,255,000, -.
The Coordinating Minister for PMK also had a direct dialogue with the recipients of the PTG SK Nurul Hidayati, SMP N 14 Surakarta teacher, Binyati Mustifah, Bunda PAUD Pelita Hati Bangsa, and Muhammad Lukman Al Hakim, Grade 2 SMP.
The event was attended by the Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy, and the Mayor of Solo FX. Hadi Rudyatmo, DPR Members Bambang Wuryanto and Alfia Reziani.