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Rules and Guidelines for Using Sippy Cup in Toddlers

Sippy cup is a suction cup that is usually used as a learning tool for children to drink from their own glass. Well, the use of this tiny cup must be appropriate and in accordance with the rules, yes, Bun, in order to be effective and safe for use by Little.

Sippy cups are cups or cups that are specifically designed for toddlers and don't spill easily. This glass has a flat snout that has several holes and is usually equipped with a handle for the handle. Glass sippy cup is generally made of plastic with a variety of sizes and designs and attractive colors.

Benefits of Coaching Children Drinking with Sippy Cup

As growth and development, children need to be trained to be able to eat and drink alone. One way to hone children's eating and drinking skills is to introduce them to sippy cups.

The use of this glass aims to train children to drink independently with a glass without spilling its contents. This is useful to make it easier for children to switch from breastfeeding habits to the breast of mothers or bottles of milk to new drinking habits using ordinary glasses.

In addition, training children to drink from a sippy cup can also stimulate a child's motor skills, especially the ability to move hands and mouth simultaneously. With this exercise, children will begin to get used to drinking from their own glass, so that drinking habits with a bottle of milk can be reduced slowly.

Tips for Coaching Children Drinking with Sippy Cup

A child usually can begin to be taught to use a sippy cup when he reaches 6 months or when he can be given solids.

However, not all children are ready or willing to use a sippy cup. If he doesn't want to use the suction cup, Mother can try to train Little One to use the sippy cup again a few months later, for example when Little is 9 or 12 months old.

When you want to familiarize your child with a sippy cup, Mother can try some of the following tips:

Use a special sippy cup for beginners

In the initial stages, you can give your child a special suction cup for beginners. These suction cups usually have a soft, flexible, and soft snout. This kind of funnel texture will make the baby more interested in sucking because it resembles the mother's nipples.

In addition, special sippy cups for newborn babies are usually small in size with a non-slippery plastic handle. This is to make it easier for children to hold the cup itself.

Show your child how to use it

Children are accomplished imitators. Therefore, the best way to teach Little is to give an example. Mother can show Little how to hold, lift, and direct the sippy cup to the mouth.

So that your little one doesn't choke , you can help him tilt the glass slowly so that he can drink the contents of the sippy cup .

Train children regularly

So that Little is used to using a sippy cup , Mother needs to get used to using the glass regularly. Try to create a pleasant atmosphere when giving your little sippy cup, for example when watching his favorite movie.

Don't forget to give praise to your mother's child or just clap when he managed to drink from sippy cup.

If your child looks uncomfortable or can't use a sippy cup properly, you don't need to feel discouraged. Be patient. Mother can try it later and do it repeatedly until Little can and want to use a sippy cup.

Tricks for Children to Use the Sippy Cup

There is no requirement for children to use this suction cup, so Mother does not need to stress if the Little One rejects it constantly. Not a bit of why children who do not need the help of a sippy cup for drinking can smoothly use glasses.

Before giving up with a sippy cup, you can use the following trick so that your child wants to drink from a suction cup:

1. Dip the sippy cup funnel into the breast milk

By dipping the tip of the sippy cup funnel into breast milk or formula milk the child usually drinks, he will be attracted to the scent so he wants to suck from his cup.

2. Reflex stimulation to suck the little guy

Touch baby bottles without bottles to the roof of your baby's mouth to stimulate the sucking reflex. After he starts sucking, immediately offer a sippy cup funnel. Besides pacifiers, Mother can also directly use the tip of the sippy cup.

3. Divide the milk into two servings

If your child is accustomed to drinking milk from a bottle or pacifier, put half the milk in the pacifier and the other half in the sippy cup. When it's empty, replace the milk pacifier with a sippy cup that contains the remaining milk.

4. Use another model sippy cup

Try using another sippy cup model with a different shape of the tip of the glass. For example, if a sippy cup snout is hard-textured, try replacing it with a soft-textured snout.

5. Try offering a straw first

Try giving a straw first. Some sippy cups are equipped with straws which make it easier for children to drink. After he smoothly uses a straw, Mother can start giving the Little Sippy Cup.

Another trick you can use to make a child switch from a milk bottle to a sippy cup is to replace the contents of the milk bottle with water and fill the sippy cup with milk. That way, children may be more interested in using a sippy cup.

Important Things to Note in the Use of Sippy Cup

Basically, a sippy cup is safe for use by babies and is effective enough to help babies switch from bottle or breast to glass. However, there are several things that must be considered in the use of a sippy cup, including:

1. Make sure the sippy cup is made of safe material

Before buying it, you can check the triangle code under the sippy cup packaging. When choosing a plastic sippy cup, make sure the material uses BPA-free plastic.

Try not to use sippy cups made from recycled plastic with code 3 or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and plastic code 6 or polystyrene (PS).

Check the sippy cup condition before giving it to Little One. Avoid giving your little sippy cup that has been damaged, looks dirty, or mossy.

2. Clean the sippy cup regularly regularly

Sippy cups need to be cleaned immediately after use. When cleaning, wash all parts of the sippy cup thoroughly, including the end of the funnel because this part is vulnerable to mold. Use a bottle brush to reach the parts that are difficult to clean, then rinse with warm water.

3. Pay attention to drinks that babies can enjoy with a sippy cup

If your child is not yet 6 months old, you can give sippy cups that contain only breast milk. If your child is more than 6 months old or can already consume MPASI and other drinks, you can fill the sippy cup with other drinks such as water and fruit juice.

When giving a drink-through sippy cup to Little One, Mother should not give Your Little sweet drinks, such as packaged fruit juice or cow's milk, before bedtime. This is because the consumption of sweet drinks at that time can risk making your little teeth more easily damaged.

4. Pay attention to the period of use of sippy cup

Similar to the use of milk bottles, the use of a sippy cup should not be too frequent, especially in the long term. Limit giving juice or milk from a sippy cup, for example at lunch or snack.

Too often giving drink or milk from a sippy cup can cause children not hungry when it's time to eat because too much liquid he drinks from sippy cups. Sippy suction cup filled with milk all day is also not good because it can cause cavities.

If the Little One has been drinking smoothly from the sippy cup, it is time for him to switch to drinking with a regular glass.

Just like when introducing it to the sippy cup, Bunda needs to get used to the Little One drinking from a regular glass slowly and gradually until he is used to it and does not need to use dots, milk bottles, and sippy cup anymore.

The thing you need to remember is that this learning process not only requires your Little skills but also your patience. Therefore, Mother does not be quick to despair, continue to accompany the Little One, and give warmth in the form of a hug or lap, so that adds to the comfort when learning to drink from a sippy cup.