This is the Effect of Health on Children's Happiness
Healthy living is the key to a happy life. Without health, what humans can do is limited. Health is a valuable asset that must be protected from an early age. Therefore, find out the relationship between health and happiness so that you can prepare a better future for your child.
Health relation to the happiness of a child
The study entitled The Gut-Brain Axis: Interactions Between Enteric Microbiota, Central, and Enteric Nervous Systems states that there is communication between the brain and the gut. This concept raises the correlation between children's health and happiness. The interaction between the cognitive and emotional sides of the brain and the digestive system occurs because of the two-way communication between the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system — the controllers of the digestive system. This relationship is mediated by the gut microbiota. The amount of intestinal microbiota (dysbiosis) is not balanced related to health conditions, such as:
The impact will affect children's performance in daily activities. Take for example when a child has an imbalanced gut microbiota so they are prone to experiencing digestive problems, such as when your child suddenly experiences a twisted stomach during an exam.
In addition, the balance of the gut microbiota has a positive effect on a person's self-confidence. The connection between the brain and gut was also described by Jay Parischa, MD, Doctor, and Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Neurogastroenterology. Doctor Jay Parischa stated, the enteric nervous system is the second brain in the body. That way, the health of the digestive system can affect happiness.
For example, irritation of the digestive system that often occurs early in life increases the risk of susceptibility to depressive symptoms and anxiety disorders later in life, as stated in the study Transient Gastric Irritation in the Neonatal Rats Leads to Changes in Hypothalamic Crf Expression, Depression- and Anxiety- Like Behavior as Adults. Another study, with children as participants, also concluded that children with stomach problems are more likely to develop symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders.
The relationship between nutrition, health and children's happiness
Furthermore, nutritional problems can also trigger health problems and children's happiness. The study of the Relationship Between Diet and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review found a consistent trend, where children with a varied and healthy diet tend to be happier. On the other hand, poor quality nutritional intake is closely related to the symptoms of attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) and other symptoms caused by poor mental health.
Therefore, it is important to fill children's food plates with a variety of adequate nutritional intake. The goal is to support children's health and happiness. For example, in one meal for children, the mother includes fish as a source of protein, rice as carbohydrates, vegetables to meet the various types of nutrients needed, milk, and fruit.
Maintain health from an early age for the future of children
Did you know that children can show symptoms of anxiety disorders? A study proves this even since children were 6 years old. These disorders can trigger health problems including headaches, diarrhea, and stomach aches. Therefore, take care of children's health from an early age for happiness.
How to maintain health can be started from the kitchen at home, namely by providing the best nutritional intake for children. One of them is to provide a nutritious and healthy diet. Examples of menus that can be tried are team rice with chicken broth, tofu, meatballs, and mustard greens or a bowl of red bean soup filled with vegetables and meat.
Do not forget to also provide a variety of foods in an effort to provide the best nutrition for children. For example, by providing different sources of protein every day, not only fish or chicken. Then introduce the staple food as an energy source, not only rice but also bread or pasta.
Also, make sure that your child's vitamin and mineral needs are met by consuming vegetables and fruits. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals are good for the child's body, such as maintaining a healthy digestive system.
Consumption of probiotics also plays an important role in a healthy digestive tract. You name it, a child who is free from problems in the digestive tract has a more carefree mood. On the other hand, stomach problems make your child more likely to show signs of anxiety and depression.
Essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) and their components, such as DHA, have been shown to help develop children's brains and reduce their risk of developing ADHD symptoms. Complete the nutritional needs of children by providing milk intake.
Parents can choose milk with whey protein content with probiotics and prebiotics that can maintain digestive health. In addition, you can choose other vitamins and minerals that help the development and strength of the child's immune system.
In short, according to the research discussed earlier, a healthy diet rich in nutrients will have a positive impact on the health and quality of children's happiness.
Health relation to the happiness of a child
The study entitled The Gut-Brain Axis: Interactions Between Enteric Microbiota, Central, and Enteric Nervous Systems states that there is communication between the brain and the gut. This concept raises the correlation between children's health and happiness. The interaction between the cognitive and emotional sides of the brain and the digestive system occurs because of the two-way communication between the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system — the controllers of the digestive system. This relationship is mediated by the gut microbiota. The amount of intestinal microbiota (dysbiosis) is not balanced related to health conditions, such as:
- Depression
- Autism
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
The impact will affect children's performance in daily activities. Take for example when a child has an imbalanced gut microbiota so they are prone to experiencing digestive problems, such as when your child suddenly experiences a twisted stomach during an exam.
In addition, the balance of the gut microbiota has a positive effect on a person's self-confidence. The connection between the brain and gut was also described by Jay Parischa, MD, Doctor, and Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Neurogastroenterology. Doctor Jay Parischa stated, the enteric nervous system is the second brain in the body. That way, the health of the digestive system can affect happiness.
For example, irritation of the digestive system that often occurs early in life increases the risk of susceptibility to depressive symptoms and anxiety disorders later in life, as stated in the study Transient Gastric Irritation in the Neonatal Rats Leads to Changes in Hypothalamic Crf Expression, Depression- and Anxiety- Like Behavior as Adults. Another study, with children as participants, also concluded that children with stomach problems are more likely to develop symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders.
The relationship between nutrition, health and children's happiness
Furthermore, nutritional problems can also trigger health problems and children's happiness. The study of the Relationship Between Diet and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review found a consistent trend, where children with a varied and healthy diet tend to be happier. On the other hand, poor quality nutritional intake is closely related to the symptoms of attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) and other symptoms caused by poor mental health.
Therefore, it is important to fill children's food plates with a variety of adequate nutritional intake. The goal is to support children's health and happiness. For example, in one meal for children, the mother includes fish as a source of protein, rice as carbohydrates, vegetables to meet the various types of nutrients needed, milk, and fruit.
Simply put, a fit body affects emotions and happiness. Vice versa, peace of mind makes physically strong. Check out the details below.
Maintain health from an early age for the future of children
Did you know that children can show symptoms of anxiety disorders? A study proves this even since children were 6 years old. These disorders can trigger health problems including headaches, diarrhea, and stomach aches. Therefore, take care of children's health from an early age for happiness.
How to maintain health can be started from the kitchen at home, namely by providing the best nutritional intake for children. One of them is to provide a nutritious and healthy diet. Examples of menus that can be tried are team rice with chicken broth, tofu, meatballs, and mustard greens or a bowl of red bean soup filled with vegetables and meat.
Do not forget to also provide a variety of foods in an effort to provide the best nutrition for children. For example, by providing different sources of protein every day, not only fish or chicken. Then introduce the staple food as an energy source, not only rice but also bread or pasta.
Also, make sure that your child's vitamin and mineral needs are met by consuming vegetables and fruits. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals are good for the child's body, such as maintaining a healthy digestive system.
Consumption of probiotics also plays an important role in a healthy digestive tract. You name it, a child who is free from problems in the digestive tract has a more carefree mood. On the other hand, stomach problems make your child more likely to show signs of anxiety and depression.
Essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) and their components, such as DHA, have been shown to help develop children's brains and reduce their risk of developing ADHD symptoms. Complete the nutritional needs of children by providing milk intake.
Parents can choose milk with whey protein content with probiotics and prebiotics that can maintain digestive health. In addition, you can choose other vitamins and minerals that help the development and strength of the child's immune system.
In short, according to the research discussed earlier, a healthy diet rich in nutrients will have a positive impact on the health and quality of children's happiness.