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How to Make Hand Sanitizers According to WHO Standards

As the outbreak of the Covid-19 coronavirus and the scarcity of hand sanitizers, you can make it yourself at home according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standards.

Hand sanitizer itself can clean your hands to avoid the risk of corona Covid-19 virus exposure. The World Health Organization (WHO) also issued guidelines for making your own hand sanitizer that you can do at home.
WHO issued two formulations to make hand sanitizers according to standards, with a final result of 10 liters. To make it, there are a number of hand sanitizer ingredients that you need.
Formula 1
  • Ethanol 96%: 8,333 ml
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 3%: 417 ml
  • Gliserin 98%: 145 ml
  • 1 liter of sterile distilled water, can be obtained by boiling water and cooling it
Formula 2
  • Isopropyl alcohol 99.8%: 7515 ml
  • Gliserin 98%: 145 ml
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%: 417 ml
  • 1 liter of sterile distilled water
  • The tools needed
How to make a hand sanitizer according to WHO standards
  1. Select the hand sanitizer formula that you want. Then put Ethanol (for formula 1) or Isopropyl alcohol (for formula 2) according to the dose into the jerry cans;
  2. Enter the hydrogen peroxide liquid into jerry cans according to the dose;
  3. Add glycerin. Glycerin is sticky and thick. You can use a little sterile water to rinse the glycerin in a measuring cup before putting it in jerry cans;
  4. After all the ingredients have been put in 1 jerry can add 1 liter of distilled water. Don't forget to close the jerry can so that the alcohol does not evaporate;
  5. Beat the jerry can slowly. This is done so that all three ingredients can be mixed evenly;
  6. It did not take long, the hand sanitizer was ready to be transferred to smaller bottles for easy transport;
  7. Finally, keep these bottles for 72 hours (approximately 3 days) to avoid contamination from the bottles;
  8. Hand sanitizer is ready to be brought and used by you and your family.