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Kemba Walker almost joins Knicks at Free Agency 2019

Indeed, the 2019 NBA Free Agent period was full of ready and experienced star players. But recently, Kemba Walker was reported to have mostly joined the New York Knicks as a free agent in 2019.

In addition to Kemba Walker at the 2019 Free Agency, players such as Kevin Durant, Kawhi Leonard, Kyrie Irving, Jimmy Butler and eventually signed a new team. There was.

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Kemba Walker is one such player, having spent nearly a decade in Charlotte, but chose to move to the Boston Celtics to play as a legendary Celtics player. But at that time, he wanted to join Knicks before the deal took place. It was all from Walker himself in the podcast appearance. Ringer “R2C2”:

“Before the Boston Celtics, Knicks was one of my top priorities, because I thought another player would come, but that didn’t work.”

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Knicks’ failure to attract free agents ultimately influenced Kemba’s decision to wear a green jersey. He knew that if he chose to join the New York Knicks, he would need to rebuild.

Of course, anyone who knows Knicks knows that this kind of thing is nothing new to them. Over the years, poor decision-making and poor team management have made it a highly undesirable place for NBA superstar players.

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The situation in Kenba is just the last example. For them, I hope their latest employee, Tom Thibodeau, will finally help turn the New York Knicks around.