Tips to distinguish real and fake honey, pay attention to its texture and aroma - all pages

Don’t get trapped by rogue traders, there are 5 easy ways to tell the difference between real and fake honey.
Report from Grid.ID Journalist, Devi Agustiana
Grid.ID – Honey is one food that is often associated with various health benefits.
In many cultures over the centuries, this sweet liquid has been used in many medicinal purposes.
If you drink a tablespoon of honey every day, your body will get some amazing health benefits.
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Quoting the page, some of the benefits of honey include preventing cancer, preventing heart disease, healing burns, treating allergies, and eliminating toxins in the body.
With the many benefits of honey, it makes many people consume it regularly.
Well, this is used by rogue traders to process fake honey.
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You will not get any benefit if you are not consuming real honey.
In fact, health hazards can lurk the body.
Summarized Grid.ID from, honey circulating in Indonesia is generally the result of forest bees (Apis dorsata), superior bees (Apis mellifera), and local bees that usually live on roofs of houses (Apis cerana).
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The color of pure honey varies from white to black.
Black honey which has good quality is usually produced from forest bees, while the cultivated honey which is consumed by many people is usually bright brown.
Fake honey is a liquid that is physically similar to honey from bees, but is actually honey “oplosan” mixed with other ingredients, especially a solution of sucrose or glucose / fructose syrup.
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It is not uncommon for these fake honey producers to mix other ingredients, such as sugar, palm sugar, tape water, coconut oil, and Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC).
To add to the original impression of honey, it is not uncommon for naughty producers to add kapok water to get a foamy effect on honey.
Meanwhile, to thicken fake honey, the ingredients used are gelatin or sago.
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Fake honey also lacks the enzymes only bees can make.
Consuming fake honey can cause diseases associated with excess sugar consumption.
Such diseases include type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
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Physically, it is very difficult to distinguish real honey from fake honey.
However, the simplest method often used by the community to test the authenticity of honey, namely:
- Heated with wax
Pour the honey to be tested into the spoon, then heat the spoon over the burning candle.
The heated honey will change color and foam, but will return to its original texture when it cools down again.
When pulled with a stick, real honey will not form tough threads.
On the other hand, the fake honey will form the hard thread.
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- Using newspaper
You just have to pour honey on the newspaper.
If the honey does not soak wide and penetrate the newspaper, then it is real honey.
Conversely, if the honey can penetrate the newspaper, even dripping on the floor, then it can be said to be fake honey.
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- Pour into warm water
Put the honey in warm water and let it sit for a while.
If the honey doesn’t dissolve immediately and the water remains clear before stirring, then the honey is likely genuine.
Conversely, if the water quickly becomes cloudy before stirring, it could be that the honey you have is fake honey.
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- Pay attention to scents
Real honey must have a distinctive aroma of flowers that are used as nectar, for example, rambutan, kapok, longan, acacia, and others.
Meanwhile, fake honey has no aroma.
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- Doused with water
Pour two tablespoons of honey on a flat plate, then pour water and shake it from side to side.
The real honey will form like a honeycomb, while the fake honey will spread and even mix with the water.