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This is the benefits of tamarillo for the health of your body

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Dutch eggplant has a tiny shape and bright color. In addition to its delicious taste, tamarillo is beneficial for health when consumed appropriately.

Dutch eggplant, or what is known as Tamarillo in foreign countries, is a fruit that has many benefits if consumed regularly.

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This red and yellow fruit is a source of vitamins A and C. Not only that, minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are also contained in fruits that are often found in Indonesia.

The following are 10 benefits of tamarillo if consumed every day:

1. Overcoming digestive problems

Dutch eggplant contains high fiber. If you have digestive problems, this fruit can solve it. Eating this fruit regularly can launch bowel movements and increase the absorption of nutrients in the body.

2. Reduces constipation

The fiber in tamarillo not only helps digestion, but also relieves feelings of constipation due to difficult bowel movements. The fiber contained in tamarillo is also able to make feces easier to pass through the large intestine.

3. Prevent cancer

Dutch eggplant contains high levels of antioxidants, so it can prevent all types of cancer. Every 100 grams of fresh tamarillo, there are antioxidants with the amount reaching 1,659.

Antioxidants contained in tamarillo include the pigments athocyanin, poplyphenolic, flavonoids and chlorogenic acid.

Antioxidants will protect all body cells from damage caused by free radical infection. So, DNA damage will not occur.

4. Prevent diabetes

Dutch eggplant has fiber which can stabilize blood sugar levels. This fruit has chlorogenic acid which plays an important role in delaying the onset of diabetes, as well as increasing insulin sensitivity.

Eating tamarillo regularly can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

5. Improve eyesight

This fruit is a great source of carotenoids and vitamin A which can increase the ability of vision to stay healthy, and prevent the development of cataracts.

6. Maintain body metabolism

Various B vitamins contained in tamarillo, are very important for maintaining the body’s metabolism. Especially vitamin B complex which is the key to several metabolic enzymes.

If consumed frequently, we will feel the body’s energy changes that continue to increase.

7. Prevent high blood pressure

Per 100 grams (equivalent to 7 tablespoons) of tamarillo, contains about 321 mg of potassium. With that amount of potassium, we can maintain a normal heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, Dutch eggplant is very good for hypertension patients.

8. Great for weight loss

If you crave sweet foods while on a diet, tamarillo can be a lifesaver. This sweet fruit has low calories, has fiber and high water content.

So, you’ll be full in a few hours. In fact, tamarillo can also fight fat cells.

9. Skin is more youthful

You can find a lot of vitamin C in tamarillo. This vitamin is essential for naturally perfect and glowing skin.

By consuming tamarillo, the skin will not be prone to age spots and wrinkles.

10. Strengthens the immune system

Just like citrus fruits, tamarillo contains a lot of vitamin C, which is beneficial for the immune system.

If you regularly consume vitamin C, your immune system can be stronger against infectious bacteria and infectious microorganisms.

Tips for consuming tamarillo

To date, there are no cases that prove tamarillo has dangerous side effects.

But remember, every food or drink that is consumed in excess and enters the body is not good. If you want to buy and consume Dutch eggplant, here are the tips.

  • Buy fresh tamarillo in a light color.
  • Make sure there is no damage to the skin.
  • Avoid tamarillo with a soft, runny texture that has gone rotten.
  • If buying raw taro eggplant, store it at room temperature until cooked.
  • If you want to store it, put it directly in the refrigerator.
  • Dutch eggplant can last for 4-5 days. Before eating tamarillo, peel the skin and wash it with water, to remove residue.
  • You can eat tamarind eggplant like tomatoes, which is eaten raw, made into juice, or as a topping for heavy foods, such as pizza
  • Dutch eggplant can also be grilled or boiled, then served with protein foods, such as steaks, burgers, fish, and others.

So that the consumption of Dutch eggplant is more varied, it is better if it is combined with a variety of other foods, such as steaks, pizza, and other protein foods.

If you want to eat it raw, just blanch it or cut it into small pieces for a snack. But remember, don’t eat the bitter skin! (Wisnubrata)

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This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “10 Benefits of Dutch Eggplant, One of which is to Prevent Cancer”