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This is the benefit of drinking enough water for your health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Simply drinking water every day provides good benefits for your health. Curious? You can see the following benefits of drinking water for health.

Everyone needs enough water to keep the organs functioning optimally.

Just so you know, when the body lacks water it makes body functions decrease. The same thing happens when the body contains too much water.

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So, everyone is advised to drink water in moderation or in a reasonable amount.

Did you know, drinking enough water does not only maximize organ function. But, drinking water also provides good benefits for your health.

Here are the benefits of drinking water for body health.

1. Maintain body fluid balance

The human body is made up of about 60 percent water. The functions of these body fluids vary from digestion, absorption, circulation, formation of saliva and mucus, circulating nutrients, to balancing body temperature.

This is why water is needed to perform various bodily functions. In the formation of saliva and mucus, for example, the function of water is important to keep the mouth, nose, and eyes moist.

Not only that, blood is one of the body fluids which consists of 90 percent water. The function of the blood itself is important for the circulation of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

2. Affects energy levels and brain function

Summarizing from Healthline, brain function is greatly influenced by our hydration status. A study shows that even mild dehydration can damage many aspects of brain function.

In a study involving young women, researchers found that as much as 1.4% fluid loss after exercise can interfere with mood and concentration.

Quoted from Medical News Today, prolonged dehydration can also cause problems with thinking and reasoning.

3. Prevent and treat headaches

It is known that dehydration can trigger headaches and migraines in some people. Several studies have shown that headaches are one of the most common symptoms of dehydration.

Other studies have even shown that drinking enough can help relieve headaches in people who experience them frequently.

A study of 102 men found that drinking 1.5 liters of more water resulted in significant improvements on the migraine-specific quality of life scale.

4. Improve skin beauty

Skin contains a lot of water. This is why adequate water intake is important for our skin. Dehydration will make your skin more prone to skin irritation and premature wrinkles.

“Dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled, which can be repaired with proper hydration,” says Atlanta dermatologist Kenneth Ellner.

“But once you are hydrated enough, the kidneys take over and remove excess fluid (from the body),” he added.

5. Maintain intestinal function and prevent constipation

Adequate hydration will keep the digestive tract functioning normally and prevent constipation.

When you don’t get enough water, the large intestine draws water from the stool. As a result, you will experience constipation. Increasing fluid intake is often recommended as a way to treat constipation.

6. Prevent kidney stones

Body fluids also help to transport waste and remove it from the body. When you get enough fluids, urine will come out easily, light in color, and odor-free.

But if the body doesn’t get enough water, the urine concentration will be dark and smelly. When you drink less frequently, you are more at risk of developing kidney stones.

7. Maximizing physical performance

When you are not hydrated enough, your physical performance will suffer. In cells that are unable to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, muscle fatigue will occur.

This is why an adequate amount of water intake is very important when exercising. Some scientists believe that consuming more water can improve performance during strenuous activity.

8. Helps lose weight

Water is also believed to help you lose weight. This is because water can increase satiety and increase the metabolic rate.

Some evidence suggests increasing water intake can help with weight loss by increasing metabolism so that the number of calories burned also increases.

Research conducted on 50 overweight young women in 2013 showed that additional 500 ml of drinks 3 times a day before meals for 8 weeks led to significant weight loss. (Resa Eka Ayu Sartika)

Also Read: Here are the benefits of coconut water for body health and facial skin beauty

This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “8 Benefits of Drinking Enough Water for Health”,