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These are the benefits of soursop for body health that you must know

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Soursop has many health benefits. In fact, soursop is also a powerful herbal medicine to relieve a number of diseases.

Soursop, fruit with white flesh that is sweet and slightly sour. Apart from having a delicious taste, soursop contains many vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

Not only healthy, but soursop also has properties as a powerful herbal medicine to relieve a number of diseases such as high blood pressure to cancer.

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In order not to be curious, here are the benefits of soursop for body health.

1. Contains antioxidant molecules

Molecules with antioxidant properties can ward off free radicals, unstable atoms that can damage cells and cause dangerous diseases.

Soursop is a good source of antioxidants. Several types of antioxidant molecules in soursop, namely, tannins, saponins, phytosterols, flavonoids, anthraquinone.

Overall, soursop can maintain health. Further research is needed, to examine the benefits of soursop fruit for certain diseases.

2. Has anti-inflammatory properties

Inflammation is actually the body’s mechanism for fighting infection. Even so, chronic inflammation can lead to various diseases.

Several animal studies have concluded that soursop has the potential to reduce swelling, as well as help relieve inflammation or inflammation.

3. Helps lower blood sugar levels

Another benefit of soursop is to stabilize blood sugar levels. As you know, high sugar levels are a dangerous condition, because they can lead to excess body weight (obesity) and heart disease.

Several studies have found that soursop can stabilize the high levels of sugar in the blood. Although this research was also carried out on animals, it is not impossible that the benefits of soursop fruit also apply to humans.

4. Lowering blood pressure

Soursop has been known to the public as a medicinal plant, to lower blood pressure. Blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

In a study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology, soursop has the potential to lower blood pressure without the effect of increasing heart rate.

5. Kills cancer cells

Other benefits of soursop, namely to fight cancer cells. Several studies have proven this, although these studies are still carried out by test-tube testing in the laboratory, such as by inserting soursop fruit extracts into leukemia (blood cancer) cells.

6. Fight bacteria

Apart from having antioxidant molecules, soursop is also believed to fight bacteria.

Several studies, which were also carried out by laboratory test tubes, concluded that this white fleshy fruit can fight the bacteria that cause cholera, cavities, and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums).

Of course, more research is needed, to strengthen the evidence regarding the benefits of this soursop.

What are the nutrients of soursop fruit?

With the various benefits of soursop fruit, what are the nutrients in this fruit?

In 100 grams of soursop, it contains the following nutrients: 66 calories 1 gram protein 16.8 grams carbohydrates 3.3 grams fiber 34% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C 8% of the recommended daily dose of potassium 5% of the recommended daily dose of magnesium 5 % of the recommended daily dose of thiamine In addition to the nutrients above, soursop also contains a small amount of niacin, folate, iron and riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Not only meat, other parts of the soursop plant are also widely used as medicine, such as the leaves and stems.

The use of soursop as a medicinal plant is mostly done by processing it into cooking, or directly attaching it to the skin.
Those are the various benefits of soursop fruit, with amazing nutritional content.

Even though research supporting the benefits of soursop is still being tested on animals, it is not impossible that these properties also work in humans, because of its nutritional content. (Wisnubrata)

Also Read: Watch out! Drinking too much lemon water is harmful to your health

This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “Various Benefits of Soursop Fruit for Health”,