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These are the benefits of cermai fruit and leaves for health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Cermai kerab fruit is processed into sweets. In fact, cermai leaves and fruit have many health benefits.

Are you a fan of candied fruit? You must be familiar with mirror fruit.

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Cermai fruit is indeed kerab processed into candied fruit. Cermai sweets are perfect to enjoy during the afternoon or evening, accompanied by a glass of water or fresh tea.

For those of you who are not familiar, cermai is a fruit plant that is spread almost all over Indonesia.

Cermai plants can grow up to 9 meters. Cermai plants have small red flowers. Cermai flowers are quite beautiful, so it is not surprising that some people plant a mirror in their yard.

Cermai fruit is round with whitish flesh color. Cermai fruit taste sour and contain lots of water. In the cermai fruit there are four to six seeds.

Meanwhile, for cermai leaves are single and round in shape of an egg with a pointed tip.

The content of the mirror

The cermai plant is not included as a Family Medicinal Plant (TOGA). However, cermai has good health benefits.

Quoting from a book entitled 262 Medicinal Plants and Their Benefits, by Drs.H. Arief Hariana, cermai fruit contains tannins, saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, and alkaloids.

Meanwhile, according to the Book of Medicinal Plants by Ir.R, Syamsul Hidayat, M.Sc., Rodame M. Napitupulu, SP, MM, cermai fruit is rich in vitamin C and contains high fiber.

Benefits of Cermai fruit for health

Containing many active compounds and vitamins, cermai kerab fruit is used as herbal medicine.

You need to know, not only the fruit, the cermai leaves also have benefits for the health of the body. Usually, cermai leaves or fruit are used as a mixture of herbal medicine.

In order not to be curious, here are the benefits of cermai leaves and fruit for health.

1. Laxative

You are often attacked by constipation, aka difficulty defecating? Instead of drinking the many laxatives that are sold in stores, you can drink herbal laxatives made from cermai leaves.

To feel the benefits you just need to prepare 3 grams of dried cermai leaves. You mash or grind the cermai leaves.

After that you brew the dried cermai leaves with 1/2 cup hot water. Once cool, you drink the dried cermai leaf water and the dregs.

2. Lose weight, aka slimming

Having the ideal weight is the dream of most people. Apart from exercise, those who are on a diet are often taking slimming drugs.

Cermai leaves have slimming properties. This cermai leaf can be a solution for those of you who are reluctant to take chemical slimming drugs.

How to mix Cermai leaves as slimming is quite easy. You prepare 3-5 grams of fresh mirror leaves.

You boil the fresh cermai leaves in one glass of water until it boils and leave 1/2 cup of water.

You drink cermai leaf boiled water a day along with the dregs once a day. Attention, you should not drink this cermai leaf boiled water continuously because it can trigger diarrhea.

3. Thrush and nausea

Thrush can attack anyone and at any time. Cermai leaves are believed to be effective in treating canker sores.

You brew 3 grams of dried mirror leaves. After it’s warm enough, you drink cermai leaf brewed water and its dregs once a day.

4. Asthma

Cermai fruit is believed to be effective in treating asthma. To get the benefits you have prepared some of the ingredients below.

  • 6 pieces of mirror fruit
  • 2 pieces of red onion
  • 8 longan fruit
  • 1/4 handful kara root
  • 2 glasses of water

You mash all the ingredients above, then boil it until it boils and leave 1/2 cup of water.

You cool and filter the cooking water. Then, you divide the water of the cermai fruit and drink it twice a day.

5. Prevent cancer

Cancer is a disease that can be life threatening. Today, cancer does not only affect the elderly but can affect all ages.

Cermai leaves contain antioxidants that can prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.

To get the benefits you have prepared the following ingredients.

  • 6 pieces of young mirror leaves
  • 6 pieces of star fruit leaves
  • 1/2 sheet of young papaya leaves
  • 3 pieces of red shadow
  • Carrot 2 finger segment
  • 1/2 cup water

You grind all the ingredients until smooth. Then, you strain and divide into two equal parts.

You drink the above herbs together with a tablespoon of honey. You drink this concoction twice a day.

Attention, you should not consume cermai leaves for a long time. Because, cermai leaves have side effects that work quite strongly.

Nursing mothers and pregnant women should not consume cermai fruit and leaf herbal concoctions.

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