Can lose weight, these 5 benefits of beets for health
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. You can feel the benefits of beets because of the many nutritional content in them. Vitamins and minerals in beets function to maintain a healthy body. Starting from lowering high blood pressure, relieving inflammation, maintaining a healthy digestive system, and others.
Lowering High Blood
High blood pressure is a dangerous condition because it increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, or other heart disease. Quoting from Healthline (, beets can lower blood pressure by 4-10 mmHg in just a few hours.
Beets can lower blood pressure because they contain lots of nitrates. When it enters the human body, nitrate will turn into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide functions to dilate blood vessels so that blood pressure can drop.
Relieves Inflammation
The next benefit of beets is to relieve inflammation that occurs in your body. For example, inflammation related to obesity, cancer, liver disease, or heart disease. This effect comes from betalain, a pigment that acts as an anti-inflammatory.
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This was proven in a study involving osteoarthritis sufferers. After taking a betalain supplement made from beetroot extract, the pain and discomfort due to the disease decreased.
Maintain Digestive System Health
Do you have digestive problems? If so, consuming beets can be an option. Healthline says that in a glass of beets, there are 3.4 g of fiber which is beneficial for the health of the digestive system.
Apart from maintaining the health of the digestive system, consuming beets regularly can also prevent chronic diseases. Starting from colon cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.
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Lose weight
One way to lose weight you can do is by eating beets. Beets do not contain many calories, but are rich in fiber and protein. Eating foods rich in protein and fiber will keep you feeling fuller for longer.
Improve Brain Function
As we get older, brain function can decline. However, you can prevent this by eating beets regularly. Nitrates in beets will increase blood circulation and oxygen to the brain so that brain function can be maintained.
Editor: Belladina Biananda