These are the benefits of carrots for your body's health, they can control cholesterol levels
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Carrots are not only beneficial for maintaining eye health. Carrots are believed to be effective in controlling cholesterol levels in the body.
Carrots, vegetables with color orange this is the idol of most of the people. No wonder, carrots have a myriad of health benefits.
Carrots contain a variety of nutrients and benefits. Carrot nutrition includes fiber, vitamins and minerals. Some of the nutrients in carrots also exist that act as antioxidant molecules.
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Carotenoid compounds in carrots, such as beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, are key nutrients that are believed to be beneficial for health, including fighting cancer.
Other benefits of carrots also come from the content of vitamins, including vitamins C and A. It should not be overlooked, these are the benefits of carrots for health.
1. Reducing the risk of prostate cancer
Experts show a link between the consumption of karetonoid with a decrease in prostate cancer. Even so, further research is still needed, to explore the cause-effect relationship.
2. Against colon cancer
According to experts in Japan, diligently consuming beta-carotene can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Colororectal cancer is cancer that grows in the end of the colon, or in the part of the large intestine that is close to the anus.
3. Reducing the risk of leukemia
Leukemia occurs due to abnormal and excessive production of white blood cells (leukocytes). Another benefit of carrots that experts believe is reducing the risk of the disease. According to a study, regular consumption of carrot juice can reduce the risk of leukemia, as well as inhibit its development.
4. Maintain eye health
Not only rich in karetonoid, carrots also contain vitamin A which is good for the eyes. Vitamin A deficiency can cause various disorders.
For example, blindness in children, or xeropthalmia, which is a progressive eye disease that causes night blindness.
5. Improve the immune system
Carrots also have potential benefits for boosting the immune system, due to the vitamin C contained in this vegetable. Thus, carrots are believed to be able to fight infection. Not only that, vitamin C also prevents the severity of colds.
6. Maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure
Eating high-fiber foods, as well as meeting the needs of potassium, can protect the heart and maintain blood pressure. This is where the benefits and potential benefits of carrots, because these vegetables are rich in fiber and potassium.
7. Prevent diabetes
Carrots contain antioxidant molecules, which are believed to control blood sugar. In addition, the glycemic index of this orange vegetable is relatively low, namely 39.
8. Lowering cholesterol
Not only high blood pressure can trigger heart disease. High cholesterol can clog the arteries of the heart, so it must be controlled.
Carrots are also believed to help keep cholesterol from becoming a disruption in the blood vessel system.
9. Lose weight
For those who are currently trying to lose weight, eating carrots regularly can be an easy way.
Because, carrots have relatively few calories and can provide a filling sensation. Thus, replacing carrots as vegetables with meals, as well as making them a healthy snack, can be applied.
Carrots have a myriad of health benefits and properties, and are classified as safe for consumption.
Problems that may arise, namely the consumption of carrots may cause allergies for some people, as well as the potential for contamination from metal contaminated soil. (Wisnubrata)
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