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These 5 benefits of mint leaves are useful for your health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. You can feel the benefits of mint leaves to maintain a healthy body. Apart from feeling refreshing, mint leaves also contain vitamin A and other nutrients, so you need to consume them regularly.

Treats Digestive Irritation

Irritation is a type of digestive disorder that is commonly experienced by many people. Generally, digestive irritation is characterized by several symptoms. Starting from abdominal pain, bloating, gas buildup, and changing bowel movements.

Healthline (healthline.com) says that digestive irritation can be treated by changing the food consumed, taking medication, and consuming mint leaves in the form of oil. In mint leaf oil there is menthol which functions to relax the stomach muscles so that irritation is reduced.

Overcoming Indigestion

Other benefits of mint leaves can be used to treat indigestion. Indigestion occurs when the food you eat stays in your stomach for too long. To make food easier to pass, you can consume mint leaf oil.

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Improve Brain Function

Quoting from Healthline, inhaling the aroma of mint leaves can improve brain function. One study involving 144 adults proves this. They inhale the aroma of mint leaves for five minutes. As a result, their memory has increased.

Not only that, inhaling the aroma of mint leaves can also increase alertness and reduce frustration, anxiety, and fatigue. However, more research is needed to actually prove these results.

Reduces Pain During Breastfeeding

For some women, breastfeeding a child can be difficult and painful. If you experience the same thing, try to consume mint leaves because these natural ingredients can reduce the pain that occurs when breastfeeding.

Also Read: This is the benefit of mint leaves for the beauty of your skin and hair

One study showed that using peppermint water was effective in preventing cracked nipples and areola so that pain was reduced. Other studies have shown that pain and cracked nipples are reduced when using menthol essential oil after breastfeeding.

Relieves Colds

Another benefit of mint leaves mentioned by Healthline is their ability to relieve congestion caused by colds. Apart from reducing nasal congestion, menthol is also useful for improving airflow and breathing.

Editor: Belladina Biananda