The following benefits of bitter melon are suitable for maintaining health
KONTAN.CO.ID – Even though it tastes bitter, bitter melon is one type of vegetable that has many benefits. The benefits of bitter melon can be felt by the body when you consume it regularly.
Well, here are the benefits of bitter melon that can be felt by the body:
Kidney stones
Kidney stones are a condition in which minerals in the body accumulate and crystallize. Kidney stones come in a variety of sizes.
Small kidney stones can be removed from the body along with the urine. This does not apply to large kidney stones.
However, you don’t need to worry because large kidney stones can be destroyed by bitter melon. Sourced from Lifehack, bitter melon can reduce acids from kidney stones that cause pain.
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Lowers cholesterol
Another benefit of bitter melon for the body is to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol or LDL. Too much bad cholesterol in the body can cause diseases, such as heart attacks, strokes, or other types of heart disease.
Overcoming skin problems
Skin problems can not only be overcome with external care products. Eating certain types of food can also treat various skin problems that you are experiencing.
Quoted from Lifehack, bitter melon is useful for treating various skin diseases. Starting from acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
Not only that, bitter melon can also brighten and soften the skin. You can consume bitter melon juice or soup so that you can feel the benefits.
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Lose weight
Apart from exercising regularly, consuming bitter melon can also be done to lose weight. Pare contains many nutrients and few calories.
Eating this type of vegetable makes you feel full longer, so you don’t eat many snacks.
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Increase the body’s immune system
A weak immune system causes many diseases to attack your body. So that this does not happen, you can eat bitter melon regularly.
According to Lifehack, there are many benefits of bitter melon. Starting from relieving GERD, treating coughs, and preventing food allergies.
Pancreatic cancer
In addition to these benefits, bitter melon is also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells, especially pancreatic cancer. By consuming bitter melon regularly, not only pancreatic cancer can be prevented, but also cancer in other parts of the body.
Editor: Belladina Biananda