The benefits of consuming fish on skin health and beauty
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Not only healthy, fish consumption is also beneficial for beauty care. In fact, fisheries resources are now not only used as food, but also as raw material for the aquatic biotechnology industry.
Therefore, the Director General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fisheries Products (PDSPKP), Artati Widiarti, assessed the National Fish Day (Harkannas), which is celebrated every November 21, is a momentum to increase fish consumption because it is proven to be good for the body.
“All parts of fish can be used as raw material for high value products. Now we can easily find fish components in pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, functional food, medical materials to fashion,” explained Artati in his statement, Saturday (21/11).
Aesthetic Practitioner, Anti Aging Medicine and sexologists dr. Haekal Anshari, revealed that all types of fish, both freshwater fish and sea water fish, have the nutrients needed for skin health.
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These nutrients include protein that can maintain facial skin elasticity and omega 3, which can be a sunscreen for the skin.
“Because it is able to protect the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) A and B rays and strengthen the skin layer,” said Dr. Haekal when he was one of the presenters in the webinar entitled “Routine Eating Fish, Beauty and Longevity”.
He said, vitamin A contained in fish, helps regenerate skin, shrink skin pores and prevent wrinkles. Then vitamin E in fish can be an antioxidant for the skin because it prolongs skin age, improves immunity and blood circulation to the skin.
Furthermore, the content of Selenium can protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays, Zinc (Zn) can control oil production in the face and Magnesium can increase skin elasticity.
“Calcium can prevent skin thinning and brittle. Taurine helps rebuild damaged collagen,” he explained.
Meanwhile, nutrition expert, dr. Raissa Edwina Djuanda said eating fish can make people live a long life. He also cited a study which states that people who eat fish at least once per week have a 15% lower risk of death than those who don’t eat fish.
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“Other studies also mention that the medical benefits of eating fish are reducing type 2 diabetes, inflammation, cancer, dementia, and psychological status,” said dr. Raissa.
He also breaks down local fish rich in omega 3 such as catfish, catfish, mackerel, anchovies, tuna and tuna. According to him, these fish can increase intelligence. The protein content of fish also acts as a defense mechanism for the body against bacterial / viral infections.
“Meanwhile, Taurine is an essential amino acid which is commonly found in sea water fish,” he continued.
Referring to the myriad of benefits, the Central Team for Empowerment and Family Welfare (TP PKK) encourages the active role of women to increase people’s fish consumption. Head of the Family Resilience Division, Central TP-PKK, Irma Zaenal said that this awareness could be built by presenting an all-fish menu for daily family meals.
“The role of the TP-PKK in supporting increased fish consumption starts from ‘from the yard to the table’, including by inviting Indonesian families to consume foods that are diverse, nutritious, balanced and safe (B2SA) and fish is one of the main components of the B2SA menu,” explained Irma.