The benefits of betel leaf as an herbal medicine that you should know
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Betel leaf is popular as an herbal plant that can treat nosebleeds. Rich in active compounds, betel leaf is an herbal remedy that can cure a number of diseases.
What do you think about when you hear the betel leaf called?
Betel leaf is known as an herbal plant which is antiseptic. Betel leaf is quite popular for women.
Also Read: Betel leaf as a herbal cough medicine, here’s how to use it
Not surprisingly, they often use betel leaf for intimate area care.
Just so you know, betel leaf has been used as herbal medicine since time immemorial. Generally, betel leaf is used as a herbal medicine to treat sore eyes.
Quoting from a book entitled Efficacy & Benefits of Betel Leaves: Effective Medicine from time to time by Rini Damayanti Moeljanto, betel leaf is a plant that grows vines.
Betel leaf plants can grow and develop up to 15 meters. Betel leaf has a unique shape, which is in the form of a heart with a sharp tip.
The color of the betel leaf is quite varied, namely yellow, green and dark green. When squeezed the betel leaf will emit a distinctive aroma.
Betel leaf content
Included in the ranks of herbal plants, betel leaves are quite widely developed by the community. Usually they plant betel leaves in the front yard of the house or in the garden.
Betel leaf is effective in curing a number of diseases because it contains many active compounds that are good for body health.
Betel leaf contains essential oils consisting of betlephenol, kavikol, sesquiterpenes, hydroxycicvicol, cavibetolm estragol, eugenol, and carvacrol.
Not only that, betel leaf also contains diastase enzymes, sugars and tannins.
Benefits of betel leaf as herbal medicine
It’s no secret that betel leaf is an herbal remedy that can cure a number of diseases. This is because betel leaves contain many active compounds.
Here are the properties of betel leaf as an herbal medicine
1. Stop bleeding
Betel leaf has styptic properties, aka it stops bleeding. This is what makes the betel row effective for stopping bleeding in the bleeding gums and also for someone who is experiencing nosebleeds.
2. Cough medicine
You have a cough? Betel leaf can be the solution. Just so you know, betel leaf contains active compounds that can stop coughs.
The way to use betel leaf as a cough medicine is to rinse your mouth. You can boil fresh betel leaves until boiling. When the betel leaf boiled water is warm enough, you can use it to rinse your mouth.
3. Eliminate bad breath
Bad breath..Oh Big No..No. Everyone must feel uncomfortable when their mouth has an unpleasant odor.
Instead of gargling with chemical liquids, you can gargle with boiled betel leaf water. As information, betel leaf has a distinctive aroma that can make your mouth smell more fragrant.
In addition, betel leaf is also antiseptic so it can protect your mouth from bacteria.
4. High blood pressure medication
Quoting from the Journal of Community Nursing Volume 1 No. 1, pp. 34-42 May 2018, betel leaf contains flavonoids that act as blood pressure lowering in the body.
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