Sweet taste, this is the benefit of purple taro for health
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Purple taro, one of the tubers that is quite popular in the country. Here are the benefits of purple taro for health.
Purple taro is not a strange food for Indonesians. The process is not only consumed after being boiled, but also becomes a lot of food and beverage menus with the name “taro”.
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Sweet purple taro flavor with a potato-like texture. The plus is that purple taro is a source of fiber and beneficial nutrients.
In 132 grams or one cup of purple taro, the nutritional content is:
- Fiber: 6.7 grams
- Manganese: 30% RDA
- Vitamin B6: 22% RDA
- Vitamin E: 19% RDA
- Potassium: 18% RDA
- Vitamin C: 11% RDA
- Phosphorus: 10% RDA
- Magnesium: 10% RDA
With the nutritional content as above, it means that consuming purple taro can be a source of fiber, potassium and magnesium. Not only that, purple taro which is rich in fiber also makes you feel full longer and can be a breakfast menu option.
Benefits of purple taro for health
Some of the health benefits of purple taro include:
1. Controlling blood sugar levels
Although purple taro is included in starch vegetables, its carbohydrates are useful in controlling blood sugar levels because they contain fiber and resistant starch which is good for digestion.
In addition, fiber is also a type of carbohydrate that is not absorbed so that it does not have an impact on blood sugar levels.
According to research, consumption of 42 grams of fiber per day can reduce blood sugar levels by up to 10 mg / dl in people with type 2 diabetes. Thus, purple taro can be a safe carbohydrate choice for blood sugar levels.
2. Reducing the risk of heart disease
Still thanks to its unique fiber content, purple taro can prevent a person from developing heart disease. In one study, an additional 10 grams of fiber per day can reduce a person’s risk of dying from heart disease by 17%.
What’s more, purple taro contains more than 6 grams of fiber per 132 gram serving, twice as much as potatoes. The resistant starch carbohydrates in purple taro also reduce bad cholesterol in the body.
3. Anticancer content
Purple taro contains polyphenols which can reduce a person’s risk of developing cancer. The type of polyphenol in purple taro is quercetin, as is found in apples, tea and onions.
In laboratory tests, quercetin can kill cancer cells and prevent the development of certain cancer cells.
Not only that, purple taro also contains antioxidants that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals, including causing cancer. Research on this link is ongoing.
4. Helps you lose weight
Purple taro can also be an option for those who are on a diet to reach their ideal body weight. According to research, people who consume lots of fiber will have lower body weight and body fat.
The reason is, fiber makes the digestion process longer and people become fuller. Thus, when a person feels full for longer, the risk of consuming too many calories is reduced.
In addition, there is also research that states that people who take supplements containing 24 grams of resistant starch will consume 6% fewer calories.
5. Good for digestion
Still thanks to its fiber content, purple taro is good for the digestive system. When the body does not absorb carbohydrates from purple taro because of its starch resistance, this food can go directly to the large intestine and provide good food for digestive bacteria.
When these good bacteria ferment the purple taro fiber, a short chain of fatty acids is formed which nourishes the intestinal wall to keep it healthy. This can also prevent a person from suffering from inflammatory bowel disease to colon cancer.
Purple taro is easy to process. With the various benefits of purple taro for health, it’s a shame to miss this one carbohydrate. Moreover, purple taro is easy to find and process.
It can be processed into drinks, bread, cakes, chips, or mixed in soup. But remember, purple taro must be processed until cooked before consumption.
If it’s still raw, it contains proteases and oxalates, chemicals that can cause a burning sensation in the mouth. Through the cooking process, this substance is no longer active. (Wisnubrata)
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This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “More Fibrous than Potatoes, Don’t Miss the Benefits of Purple Taro”