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7 Unexpected Benefits of Dandelion Root, a Beautiful Flowering Weed Plant

Maybe some of you only know dandelion as a white flowering weed whose fur will fall when the wind greets. In fact, there are a number of impressive benefits of dandelion root if we know how to make it right.

It turns out that all parts of the dandelion have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. In Chinese medicine, dandelion root is dried in powder, capsule form, and made into a tea. Here are the full properties of dandelion root that you may not know.

1. Maintain digestive health

Dandelion root is a rich source of inulin and has a laxative effect which is recommended to aid digestion after meals. This root can also promote the growth of a healthy gut biome.

Dandelion root helps digest fatty foods by stimulating the production of stomach acid and bile. Drinking this herb can also increase appetite, reduce gas, and relieve constipation. 

2. Detoxifies and prevents liver damage

Reporting from the page sciencedirect.com, the results show that dandelion root can actually prevent liver fibrosis due to the inhalation of carbon tetrachloride. It also prevents alcohol-induced liver damage.

In traditional medicine, dandelion root is a popular tonic for liver damage, as it is rich in iron, vitamin A and calcium. This root is thought to increase bile production, cleanse the liver, and gallbladder. 

3. Diuretic is good for the body

Research conducted by Bevin A Claire and Richard S. Conroy at the  Tai Sophia Institute, Maryland in 2009, has verified that dandelion root is a good quality traditional diuretic for the body.

This root is also considered to help flush toxins and support healthy kidney function. If you feel gout, rheumatism, or other joint swelling, this root herb is suitable for consumption. Other properties can also help prevent urinary tract infections.

4. Treating inflammation

Dandelion root has long been used to treat various inflammations such as inflammation of organs, joints, and inflammation. The phytonutrients and essential fatty acids in the root make it effective in fighting inflammation.

Quoted from academic.oup.com, phytonutrients are natural antioxidants contained in plants and provide many health benefits for the body.

5. Anti-cancer

Based on the journal  Oncotarget by Pamela Ovadje published in 2006, the dandelion root has a reputation for slowing down pancreatic cancer cells, leukemia, and melanoma because of its ability to induce apoptosis.

Apoptosis is a process by which cells recycle their own abilities. This allows cells with damaged proteins to be rebuilt as new cells, this process is very important to stop the proliferation of cancer cells in the body. 

6. Improve heart health

Dandelion root is a good source of fiber and potassium to help lower blood pressure. This magic root can also control cholesterol levels, lower triglycerides, and maintain a healthy ratio of HDL, the "good" cholesterol that can keep the cardiovascular system functioning normally.

7. Launch breast milk production

Although scientific evidence is still scanty, this root has been used by nursing mothers to help stimulate milk production and regulate hormones for centuries.

Quoted from sciencedirect.com, some experts theorize that dandelion root may not help increase lactation itself, but the vitamins and minerals from the root can contribute to overall maternal health so that lactation becomes smoother.

Those are some of the amazing benefits of dandelion root. Are you interested in trying?