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In fact, dragon fruit has four health benefits

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. This unique shaped fruit is also known as a cactus fruit. Yes, dragon fruit does come from the cactus family, with a skin that looks pointed and like scales.

Behind the delicious taste, dragon fruit seems to have many health benefits, because it is rich in nutrients.

Dragon fruit contains riboflavin which can help maintain eye health, prevent migraines, and maintain healthy skin and hair.

Not only that, the magnesium content in dragon fruit is useful for maintaining bone health, heart health, and maintaining body fitness. In addition, there are still four benefits of dragon fruit for body health:

1. Improve immune function

Dragon fruit is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that can kill harmful radicals and help boost immunity. Dragon fruit is also a much better source of vitamin C than carrots.

In addition, the content of B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, niacin, and fiber in dragon fruit collectively contribute to increased immune function.

Also Read: Rich in vitamins, see the benefits of dragon fruit for health

2. Helps reduce diabetes risk

Dragon fruit is a rich source of fiber, which helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. In addition, it is also able to reduce oxidative stress which is considered to be one of the root causes of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes.
One study found that mice who were obese when fed dragon fruit had a decreased risk of diabetes.

3. Improve heart function
A special animal study conducted in the Journal of Pharmacognosy Research found that consumption of dragon fruit helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Black seeds present in the fruit also have omega fatty acids which are sufficient to reduce triglycerides and improve cardiovascular function.

4. Help prevent cancer

According to several studies, dragon fruit is a rich source of lycopene, which has the ability to lower the risk of prostate and ovarian cancer.

In addition, free radicals can also be killed by the large amount of antioxidants in this fruit, thereby helping prevent cancer.

This article was published on Kompas.com entitled: “4 Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Body Health”

Editor: Herlina Kartika Dewi