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Here are a number of benefits of stem cell therapy that must be recognized

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Therapy stem cells or stem cells have many benefits, not only for treating various degerative and cardiovascular diseases but now they are also popularly used in the beauty world, namely rejuvenating the skin or anti aging.

Stem cell is the parent of all cells in the human body. As is known, all cells in the body will die after completing their work. To replace these dead cells, the stem cells will divide to produce new cells to continue the work of the dead cells.

Reconstructive plastic surgery and aesthetics specialist Karina in a webinar discussion held by the Association of Indonesian Pharmacists and PT ISFI Publishing, entitled Looking Beautiful and Healthy with Stem Cell explained, there are four functions stem cell.

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First, it can repair dead cells so that stem cell therapy can be done for wound healing.

Second, can produce cytokine protein substances. This protein functions to repair hair and skin cells. “This function is widely used by doctors to repair damaged cells, so it is widely used in the field of anti aging,” said Karina, Sunday (31/5).

Third, stem cells can function differentiation so that they can divide to produce cells that are responsible for replacing certain dead cells. With this function, therapy stem cells can be used to cure cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and coronary heart disease.

Then it can be used to treat degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, diabetes mellitus, dementia, alzaimers, and Parkinson’s.

Fourth, it can be used to balance immunity in autoimmune diseases. Karina says, how stem cells this work to balance the human immunity still opens up research opportunities so doctors who want to take dortoral.