For breastfeeding mothers, here are the benefits and ways of increasing breast milk
KONTAN.CO.ID – Jakarta. The moment of breastfeeding not only makes the bond between mother and child tighter. Breastfeeding mothers can also get health benefits.
According to Clevelanf Clinic Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist Sara Wiswell, breastfeeding mothers can benefit from weight loss. Breastfeeding mothers also minimize the risk of breast cancer. Unfortunately, not all women can breastfeed smoothly due to various factors.
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“The biggest challenge that many mothers face is getting back to work. Having a new baby can be a challenge in itself, and getting back to work will add even more pressure,” said Wiswell.
Therefore, Wiswell advises working mothers to make thorough preparations, especially finding out where to pump breast milk and adjusting the breastfeeding schedule to the work routine that she is doing.
Launching the Ombusman page of the Republic of Indonesia, Health Law No. 36 of 2009 Article 128 paragraph (2) states that mothers receive guarantees that during breastfeeding, the family, government, local governments, and the community must fully support the mother by providing time and special facilities.
Even special facilities for breastfeeding mothers are held at workplaces and public facilities. Law No. 25/2009 concerning Public Services also states that public service providers must also provide facilities / infrastructure for breastfeeding mothers or what is often referred to as lactation corners.
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This rule certainly makes breastfeeding mothers who work in the private sector or in government agencies, both of them still have the same rights to breastfeed.