Clover Honey, The Present Honey with Million Benefits • Smartphone Digital Infotainment, Jakarta Honey is a natural product that is known not only for its sweet and delicious taste, but also because it has many good benefits for the human body. There are many kinds honey which is now on the market.
These honeys are different in taste, aroma and color. Then what about clover honey? Clover honey itself is known as a type of honey that comes from clover plants. Currently, clover honey is quite well known among Indonesian people.
Clover honey is different from other honeys because it is yellow in color, has a floral fragrance and is lighter in taste when compared to other honeys. For its own content, clover honey contains protein, phenolic acid, enzymes, minerals and vitamins.
Then what are the benefits of clover honey? In full, look at the explanation below.
1. Relieves Flu Symptoms

For those of you who have a cold, cough or sore throat, you can try consuming 1-2 spoons of clover honey which has been mixed into warm tea. This herb can relieve flu symptoms because of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial content in clover honey.