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Benefits of Afternoon Running for Body Health, Helps Improve Sleep Quality

Benefits of Afternoon Running for Body Health, Helps Improve Sleep QualityRunning illustration. Shutterstock / Antonio Guillem

Merdeka.com – The benefits of running the afternoon are certainly very useful for body health If people usually exercise in the morning, some people prefer to exercise in the afternoon. So, is there a difference in the benefits of running in the afternoon compared to that in the morning?

In fact, running in the afternoon certainly has various benefits that can be obtained. Moreover, if you make it a daily routine. However, so far there has been no research result that states that running at certain times, including in the afternoon, can provide more health benefits than when done at other times.

What is clear, the best time to exercise is when you do it consistently and make it a daily routine. Even so, of course there are several benefits that can be obtained from routine evening running. What are some? The following is complete information reported from the Alodokter page:

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