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Calories of White Rice vs Brown Rice, Which is the Most?

Brown Rice Photo: Shutter Stock
No lunch or dinner is complete without rice in our plates. As a source of carbohydrates, we need energy from rice — of course, with the addition of side dishes, vegetables, and meat for a balanced nutrition. However, have you ever been faced with the choice of white or brown rice?

Basically, these two types of staple foods have different nutritional content and health benefits. So, there is no harm in finding and choosing one of the best rice for our bodies. Whether with the aim of losing weight, having health problems, or needing certain nutrients -nation might be the answer.

Quoting Medical News Today, The United States Department of National Agriculture (USDA) revealed that a 186 gram cup of medium-grain white rice, cooked and enriched (3-4 spoons of rice) contains 242 calories. Not only that, white rice can fulfill nutritional needs; by providing 4.43 grams of protein, 0.39 grams of fat, 53.2 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.56 grams of fiber.

White rice also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals — including folate. Not much different, the nutritional content of brown rice is no less healthy, you know! A 202 gram (4-5 spoon) cup of cooked long-grain brown rice provides 248 calories; with a content of 5.54 grams of protein, 1.96 grams of fat, 51.7 grams of carbohydrates, and 3.23 grams of fiber.

Illustration of Japanese rice cooking Photo: doc.shutterstock

Brown rice also contains folate, iron, vitamins and other minerals. When compared, brown rice is lower in calories and rich in fiber than white rice. Even so, they can still be enjoyed at a heavy meal — no more than the recommended daily calorie. Generally, adult men need 2,000-3,000 calories per day and women need about 1,600-2,400 — to maintain body weight.

However, the US Department of Health revealed that the amount of calorie intake for each person varies, depending on age and activity level. So it can be concluded that the 240 calories from white or brown rice are still within the normal calorie consumption threshold.

White or brown rice, which is healthier?

Rice illustration Photo: Doc. Shutterstock
When it comes to which one is healthier, everyone must have different needs. You need to know, White rice is brown rice that has been stripped of its bran and germs — both of which contain valuable nutrients. As a result, white rice tends to be deficient in several antioxidants, B vitamins, minerals, fat, fiber, and less protein.

Some white rice producers are trying to remedy that, by enriching their rice varieties to replace the nutrients lost during processing. In the United States, they add B vitamins (thiamine, niacin, and folic acid) and iron. Even so, they are both still edible and naturally gluten-free. Or, you can also choose organically processed white rice.

Some people, such as patients with kidney disease, need to limit the phosphorus and potassium content in their diet. Therefore, white rice may be better than brown rice. People who are recommended by doctors to follow a low-fiber diet (usually experiencing diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, blockage due to colorectal cancer), are also advised to eat white rice which contains less fiber.

Brown Rice Porridge. Photo: Shutter Stock
While, Brown rice contains more fiber than white rice, making it a better choice for a high-fiber diet. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends choosing whole foods over processed foods such as white rice; to reduce the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, obesity, heart disease, and constipation.
Well, so both white and red rice actually have health benefits each, it remains how the needs of your own body. To ensure that you choose the right type of rice, try consulting a nutritionist or a personal doctor.