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BENEFITS of Monday Thursday Fasting Complete Reading Intentions of Monday Fasting Thursday Latin and Arabic

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO. ID – The Sunnah fasting Monday Thursday is one of the fasts recommended by the Prophet.

What are the benefits? Check out the following article to complete.

Many values ​​and wisdom are contained in the Sunnah fasting Monday Thursday.

In the complete Smart Guide to Muslimah Worship by Muhammad Syukron Maksum, it is explained that the values ​​contained in the Sunnah fasting Monday Thursday are very many, including the following.

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– The birthday of the Prophet, the determination of prophethood and the sending of the Qur’an

Monday is the birthday of Rasulullah Muhammad SAW.

In addition, on Monday the Messenger of Allah also received the time for the first time that was delivered by the angel Gabriel.

This is based on the narrative of Abu Qatada, that the Prophet Muhammad was asked about fasting on Monday, then he said.

“It is the day that I was born, in it and the day that I was appointed as an Apostle or the day on which the Koran was revealed.” (HR. Muslim).

– Charity Checking Day